What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle 1022_1

A modern man on average spends half of his wakeful time, sitting at the computer, getting to work and back home in transport, browsing TV or gadgets. In other words, most of our day is in inactive condition. About how to make health problems this can lead, Joinfo.com will tell.

Problems with shoulders, neck and brain

When a person moves, he has blood circulation in his body, which allows greater amount of oxygen and nutrients to circulate throughout the body, including the brain. This, in turn, allows you to maintain clarity and sharpness of the mind.

But if you stay in a sitting position for a long time, the influx of blood rich in oxygen to the brain slows down, which negatively affects your ability to concentrate and clearly think.

Moreover, when you look at the computer's monitor every day and undolocate forward, it creates a huge load on the cervical vertebrae or to that part that connects the spine with the head.

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle 1022_2

In addition, the wrong posture due to the fact that you lean over the keyboard, poorly affects the muscles of the shoulders and back, overly stretching them and contributes to damage in the long run.

Damage to intervertebral discs

The most frequent problem that is connected with a long stay in a sitting position is the curvature of the spine. This is due to the fact that the wrong posture helps to reduce the flexibility of the spinal column, provokes damage to intervertebral discs and back pain.

On the other hand, motor activity allows you to expand and compress soft discs between the vertebrae, contributing to the penetration of blood rich blood substances. Prolonged seating makes the disc flat and uneven, which sometimes even leads to the accumulation of collagen around the ligaments and tendons.

It is believed that people who spend a lot of time looking at the screens of computers are more susceptible to hernia lumbar intervertebral disks.

Muscle degeneration

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle 1022_3

During long-term seating in one place, the muscles of the press are not involved at all. Therefore, if you do not strain them for many days and even months, you can develop lordosis or kyphosis - excessive stretching of the natural bend of the spine. Moreover, a sedentary lifestyle reduces the flexibility of the back and femoral joints.

Since the flexibility of the femoral joints helps the body remain in a steady position, regular stay in a sitting position can make thigh flexor muscles intense and short.

Other muscles affecting a sedentary lifestyle is buttocks. With the course of a long time, they become flabby, which prevents the stability of the body and force walking in a large, swallowed step.

Violations in the work of internal organs

Long-term hypodynamine causes insulin overproduction and slowing down the inflow of blood to the internal organs. That is why a sedentary lifestyle contributes to an increase in weight, the development of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle 1022_4

On the other hand, physical activity increases the body's antioxidant ability to level the effect of free radicals, thereby protecting the body from premature signs of aging and diseases such as cancer.

Problems with feet

Sitting for many hours slows down blood circulation in the lower limbs. As a result, you may encounter varicose veins, felling of stop and ankles and even such a dangerous disease as thrombophlebitis. In addition, the bones lose strength and become more fragile.

But regular physical exertion, such as walking or run, make bones thick and durable. From which it can be concluded that a sedentary lifestyle significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis over time.

How to prevent the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle?

If you have to sit for many hours, for example, working at the table, try not to lean over the keyboard and do not slouch in the chair. In other words, try saving the right posture.

What happens to the body of a person who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle 1022_5

Even better if you can sit on the ball for exercises. This item will support the muscles of the press in a tense state, and the spine is smooth. If you need a more steady option, choose a backrest stool.

Another thing that should be remembered is to get up and stretch every thirty minutes. Do not forget to stroll a couple of minutes. This will help maintain blood flow rich in oxygen, which will allow the muscles and the brain to function properly.

And the last but no less important: do yoga or try to work for a while standing, so as not to sit in one place too many hours in a row. This will allow you to stay upright and ensure optimal blood circulation throughout the body, which will prevent the formation of thrombus and the emergence of other health problems.

Surely you will be interested to read that blood circulation disorder is quite often observed with a sitting lifestyle. But it is enough to change some daily habits and consume certain foods to stop feeling the usual severity in your feet.

Photo: Pixabay.

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