5 new restaurants in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where really delicious


She (Moscow)


If you are waiting until the future comes, know: it has already done it. In the restaurant Boris Zatarkov, the Ambassador of which Ksenia Sobchak acts, the menu refills artificial intelligence named Sasha Weiner. The avatar looks like a chum girl, but his knowledge handed over the famous Vladimir Mukhin, who is responsible for the kitchen of one of the best restaurants in the world - White Rabbit.

The idea of ​​ecology and ethical consumption is sewn into the concept of Shee: milk and eggs there are organic, there is a gluten-free oatmeal and vegetarian dishes - in general, everything that loves the modern generation so much. The bonus goes beautiful interiors in calm colors and an elegant design. This restaurant is the place where you can call friends, and partners in negotiations, and just have lunch alone and relax.

Gaijin (St. Petersburg)

This institution is completely different than she. Gaijin continues the traditions of snack bars popular in Japan, where the clerk come to drink and have a snack after work. At the same time, the average check in the restaurant is quite high, and the interior with hieroglyphs and oriental ornaments are not the level of eatery. But the atmosphere is the most, authentic, especially in the menu. There is a member of the yam, noodles, all kinds of rolls and sashimi, ... There is, of course, and the European section, but do you need to study it if the rate is made to Asia?

Flaner (Moscow)

Soul requires a chamber atmosphere, excellent food and aesthetics? Then you here. Fresh project from the Ess-Thetik project team. At the heart of the idea of ​​the institution - the ability of his clients to live here and now, literally "sharing." The restaurant on clean ponds made a bet on God, who has time in the middle of the work week to run for breakfast at two o'clock in the afternoon, pull out the legs and listen to the record with good music, which is enough here.

But the secret of success is not only in the AtmSofer. For the kitchen, the chief of the new wave of Eli Stein is responsible here, which means that all Tel Aviv will be in your plate. Hummus, Yaffo Fishing Soup, Patestone In-Israeli - that neither order, your fingers are losing! And the food is submitted under the concept of Toshare: the size of the portions is such that everything could be tried, yes more!

Hamlet + Jacks (St. Petersburg)

It is worth come here at least for the sake of the entourage. Hamlet + Jacks opened on the site of the jewelry workshop. Marble floor, crystal chandeliers and huge wooden windows The project team has not changed. As a result, the place looks very European.

Brand-chief Hamlet + Jacks Evgeny Vincetiev, Ski-cook Alexander Sadchikov. Their efforts are divided into two categories. First - Ours. These are dishes that are prepared exclusively from products of domestic origin. Second - Ours + Theirs. Here the results of the works of Russian farmers are found with ingredients from around the world. It turns out very curious compositions, pleasant to the eyes and stomach.

Art.est (Moscow)

The most anticipated project of the winter is about to launch, Arkady Novikov's restaurant with a mysterious chef Artem Yustafyev led. It is his name and surname from being played in the title. The history of this cooperation is like a fairy tale. Novikov himself went to Yustafieva, offered him a position in several of his restaurants to choose from, and he took, and even ... refused. But described the concept of his ideal place to the mastic restaurant, in response to which he received a proposal to come to Moscow and cook something for tasting. Artem did it. And immediately concluded a deal of dreams - Arkady really liked the food "from Yustafieva".

The new restaurant opens in a pipeline alley in a two-story building with a calculation of about 40 seats. But it is not interesting, but the fact that EST.Art is an extremely ambitious project, with an eye to enter the gastronomic guide Michelin. As the basis of the dish, the chef plans to take elements of nature (sea reef, sandy quarry, thunderstorm, etc.) and develop an idea on this basis. So, you can not worry about stylization and feed. As for the quality of food, since the chef appreciated the Novikov himself. In addition, the confectioner and the most real grass will be helped by Artem. Intrigue!

Photo source: unsplash.com/ibrahim boran

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