Israeli woman saved a friend at a party and developed an application for women's safety

Israeli woman saved a friend at a party and developed an application for women's safety 10177_1

The application will be available in other countries

Net Schreiber has developed a special application for the security of the Tel Aviv residents. On this idea she was pushing his own sad experience, tells Reuters.

The SafeUp application was launched in Tel Aviv on March 14, with the support of the city authorities. It is no secret that women are still afraid to leave the house in the evening, and even go through the streets alone. The recent tragedy in London only confirms women's fears. On March 3, the policeman was kidnapped on the street and killed Sarah Everard, which one returned home. The shocked British after that came out on protests under the slogan "Return our streets."

The Safeup application offers women who felt in unsafe, contact volunteers that are from them at a distance of no more than 500 meters. Then it is in prior to a safe place. Especially for the application, "Defenders" were trained, who know how to resist attackers within the law and how to provide psychological assistance to victims.

If it seems that the situation is a serious danger, women can cause police through the application. At this point, audio and video starts from a mobile phone.

SAFEUP is trying to make women get a response within five minutes. Also, the creator of the Net Schreiber application hopes that with the help of the application will be able to prevent cases of domestic violence against women.

In 2011, Schreiber lost his girlfriend at a party. Together with two friends, she went on her search. They entered the toilet and saw that two men tried to rape their overall familiar. Women were able to beat off her, and the attackers ran away.

Despite the fact that Tel Aviv streets are considered relatively safe for women, residents of the city are confident that the application will need. Safeup also supported the Israeli Women's Movement of Naamat. However, some criticize the application, stating that women can also use SAFEUP to harm it to customers.

Neta Schreiber plans to expand the geography of the project to other countries - the application is already available in the United States. Perhaps in the future, SafeUp will be available for residents of Russia.

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