What is useful to pumpkin?

What is useful to pumpkin? 10173_1
What is useful to pumpkin? Domadeal pumpkin - truly wonderful vegetable! Autumn has come and it's time for pumpkins. In this material, we will discuss pumpkin on all sides: learn how the pumpkin is useful, what are there any contraindications to eat pumpkin than the pumpkin is harmful.

Let's start acquaintance with interesting facts about pumpkin.

Interesting facts about pumpkin

  • Pumpkin Recordsman listed in the Guinness Book of Records, weighed almost 1,200 kg. According to the recognition of a farmer from Belgium without fertilizers, it did not cost here.
  • Everyone knows that pumpkin lanterns are an indispensable attribute of Halloween.
  • The ancient Aztecs living on the territory of modern Spain, the food pumpkin was used in food under the complex name of the aoshchlittle.
  • In India, monkeys are caught with pumpkins: a small hole is done, which pour rice. The monkey exhibits the paw, takes the rice and pins the hand into his fist, therefore, through a small hole can not turn the paw back.
  • Different jugs, vessels, animal cells, hats or musical instruments are made of pumpkin.

Pumpkin benefits

Pumpkin use for the body does not appreciate! This wonderful vegetable love all: from Mala to Great. Pumpkin love for fast cooking and disheighted taste. Pumpkin has greatly proven itself in children and dietary nutrition.

Let us consider in detail all the charms of the pumpkin:

  1. Low caloric content, only 23-25 ​​kcal per 100 g.;
  2. Fast preparation;
  3. Stock of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B9), macro- and microelements, such as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, fluorine, copper, zinc.
  4. A large number of vitamins and elements helps to cope with stress and raise immunity.
  5. Vitamin A (Carotine) benefits organs of vision;
  6. The use of pumpkin together with meat will facilitate the process of digestion;
  7. Pumpkin fiber cleans the gastrointestinal tract from slags and toxins;
  8. Baked pumpkin strengthens the walls of the vessels, reduces blood pressure, regulates the water-salt balance;
  9. Pumpkin has a property to dissolve sand and stones in the bladder and kidneys, due to the content of potassium and water salts.
  10. Particularly benefited pumpkin seeds. We will talk about them in the following articles.

Damage to pumpkins

If you think that the use of pumpkin in unlimited quantity will bring much benefit, you will be wrong! In everything you need a measure and this is a fact.

Contraindications to the use of pumpkin are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • It is worth limiting the pumpkin, persons suffering from diabetes, since the sugar is still present in this vegetable;
  • Possible individual intolerance to pumpkins is possible;
  • ulcers and gastritis during the exacerbation;

How to use pumpkin?

The most popular ways of drinking pumpkin:

  • In the fresh form, rub on the grater, fill a little vegetable oil. Pumpkin is perfectly combined, for example, with carrots, apple, crude beet.
  • Baked pumpkin with honey - very tasty delicacy!
  • Pumpkin puree. By adding a bit of pumpkin in the preparation of potato mashed potatoes, the mint potato will become an attractive orange-yellow color.
  • Pumpkin dough. The dough with the addition of pumpkin puree is very beautiful. Additionally, the pumpkin attaches loose test.
  • Sweet and unsweetened pies with pumpkin.
  • Pumpkin is perfectly combined with meat.

Here is such a tasty and versatile pumpkin vegetable!

Thanks for attention!

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