Special Representative of the European Union: Ambitions of Kazakhstan interfere with human rights problems


Special Representative of the European Union: Ambitions of Kazakhstan interfere with human rights problems

Special Representative of the European Union: Ambitions of Kazakhstan interfere with human rights problems

Almaty. 26 March. KazTag - Madina Alimkhanova. The concept of the "hearing" state in Kazakhstan did not give the expected results, the director of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Compliance with the Law (KMBC) Evgeny Zhovtis, and, in the opinion of the Special Representative of the European Union on Central Asia Peter Burian, human rights problems interfere with the ambitions of the republic.

"Despite the development of a public control bill, an increase in the number and format of different dialog boxes, working groups and councils, that is, the concept of" hearing "the concept of" hearing "state, which, it seems to be a little more, but in terms of the result, Not really hear, I will focus on what is seriously alarm, "said Zhovtis at an online event" To address the issue of human rights violations in Kazakhstan: the need to take measures by the European Union (EU). "

He explained that the new law on peaceful meetings demands to wait for the reaction of the authorities to notice about the rally, the number of protests is limited to 1 thousand people, the places for protests are clearly defined, and for discussion of the upcoming rally in social networks may be punished, right up to administrative arrest .

In addition, Zhovtis noted that slander, although it was decriminalized, passed into the discharge of administrative offenses and can be punished with arrest for up to 30 days, and the pressure and persecution of human rights defenders and NGOs continues.

In turn, a member of the European Petras, Petras Austrevichus, noted that the EU is important not only economic ties with Kazakhstan, but also the situation with human rights.

"The European Union wants to preserve good relations with Kazakhstan and the signing of an agreement on cooperation is proof of this. The European Union is the largest trading partner of Kazakhstan. But it should be noted that for us democracy and human rights are more important than economic benefit. I know about what political reforms initiated President Tokayev. I welcome such reforms, especially in the part where they relate to the protection of human rights. Kazakhstanis was promised that they will have an hearing state, and I very much hope that Kazakhstani authorities really do these promises as soon as possible and the human rights situation will improve, "he said.

According to the EU Special Representative in Central Asia, Peter Burian, human rights problems interfere with Kazakhstan to achieve their ambitious goals.

"In the Strategy of the European Union on Central Asia, the observance of human rights is one of the key issues to strengthen partnership with Central Asian countries. It is the basis for stability and prosperity. I think it is very important for Kazakhstan to achieve their goals. In particular, to achieve a very ambitious goal to enter the number of the most developed countries of the world. We believe that it is very important to concentrate on all these three things - the safety, economic development and observance of human rights is to successfully realize these goals and reforms, "said Burian.

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