Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day

Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day 10150_1

With enviable regularity on the Internet, all new reports of "unique products" appear on the Internet, which promise to preserve our beauty and health for a long time, improve the quality of life and significantly relieve it without the slightest harm to the body. Upon closer examination, most of them turn out to be "well forgotten old", sometimes even lower quality than prototypes, and some miraculous novelties are dangerous to life. And let the miracle pills and miracle gadgets advertise Celabriti and the first people of Instagram. We call on readers Posta-Magazine to be guided by their own common sense and trust only the opinion of these, i.e. certified specialists with appropriate education. Today we decided to talk about the means to solve age-related changes in the Oyox organism with Elena Shishkin, Ph.D. and a member of the Raen correspondent, the head of the DANDA PHARMA representative office in Russia and the CIS - a company representing a novelty in our market.

If you believe the instructions, Oyox, created by the German pharmaceutical Danda Pharma, launches the body's self-healing and increases the defense resources of immunity, increases the endurance and the wound healing speed, protects the liver cells, improves the work of cardiovascular, nervous, hormonal systems, and also gives a common rejuvenating effect. The drug can be used as an aid in atherosclerosis, Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, moreover, German doctors actively used OYOX during rehabilitation after coronavirus infection! Sounds just fabulously, but what really? The word is our expert.

Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day 10150_2

Olga Razhopkina: Oyox is an orthomolecular product of a new class. What does this mean, can you explain the popular language?

Elena Shishkin: For the first time, the term "orthomolecular" suggested twice the Nobel laureate and Professor Linus Poling. He interpreted him as "the right molecules in the right quantities." Ortomolecular preparations, unlike pharmaceutical, do not give side effects, such products are slower, but the causes of the disease eliminate the causes of the disease and improve the physiological balance of the entire body.

- Who and where does Oyox produce?

- OYOX produces the German pharmaceutical biotechnology company Danda Pharma, which united world-class research centers, modern pharmaceutical and biotechnology, preclinical and clinical studies. This is one of the few companies that implemented artificial intelligence technologies for processing clinical research data into the development of innovative biologically active additives.

Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day 10150_3

- What is the product innovation? Are there analogues? If so, how does Oyox differ from them in principle?

- Oyox is a new class product that focuses not on symptoms or visible age-related changes, but on the key causes of these changes. Unlike many bodies, Oyox passed clinical studies and repeated testing on laboratory models. The principle of its work is incomparable with the action of ubiquitous biologically active additives, which were familiar to us before. The development and creation of OYOX are based on fundamental studies marked by the Nobel Prize.

- Impressive! And what is this research?

- "For the opening of mechanisms for the protection of chromosome telomeres and the enzyme telomerase" in 2009. "For the opening of the mechanisms for the regulation of vesicular transport - the main transport system of our cells" in 2013 and four years later - "For the discovery of molecular mechanisms that control the circadian rhythm." Clinical studies have shown the high efficiency of the drug capable of launching the right work of the body and provide a comprehensive beneficial effect on its vital systems. For additional data analysis after clinical studies, OYOX was specifically designed and successfully applied algorithm for a complex of neural networks of deep machine learning ATESN. Artificial intelligence allowed us to obtain a reliable forecast for the use of the drug, including long-term use.

Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day 10150_4

- What is the composition of the product - is there an open list?

- The key element is a unique CYC-8 molecule that supports protein synthesis and metabolic rate. It contains KMP cycloasthengenol. The formula also includes resveratrol, 5TR, phosphatidylserin, seleksgen / organic selenium, L-Theenan - all of them perform the function of the transport system to increase the bioavailability of the molecule. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is also present, which in this compound acts as a natural antioxidant. The drug itself is packaged in the Smart capsule, the released product in the small intestine, thereby increasing the digestibility of the valuable molecules. To create capsules, animal proteins are not used, they are vegan and freebies.

- Do I need to take some tests before starting the reception? Is it possible to assign this drug yourself?

- Reception of the drug is recommended to start from 35 years, when recovering after serious diseases and stresses - at any age. It is absolutely harmless, because It can adjust the work of the body system where the violation occurs without interfering with other processes. Timely restored and balanced work of the body is sometimes invisible to the eye, therefore, to assess the results of Oyox work, we recommend that you make measurements of the objective parameters "to" and "after" coursework. These are blood tests, biochemical indicators of aging markers (Bilirubin, AST and Alt, LDL cholesterol and HDL, glycosylated hemoglobin, creatinine), telomere length level, x-ray-beanometry (measuring bone mineral density), cognitive tests.

- And how long do you need to take the drug? If courses, how often?

- There are various OYOX reception schemes, but clinical studies have shown that it is ideal for a 3-month rate once a year. After the full-fledged course, the stable results of biomarkers are observed up to two years. As numerous studies have shown, the drug has no side effects.

Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day 10150_5

- What results wait as a result? What tasks solves oyox?

- Oyox is an ideal tool for preserving youth, physiological tone and functional stability of all organism systems. One of the main causes of aging is the age deficit of Sirtuins. In their function, they are proteins controllers regulating the alternateness of the synthesis and the activity of vital protein molecules, such as: hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, etc., providing the ability to adapt to various factors and stress. In the young organism, our sirtuins have time to selected molecules in a timely manner, even with minor errors, achieving the correct synthesis of protein molecules. But from 35 years of age, their level begins to decrease. The drop in controlling functions in the body first leads to the accumulation of minor errors, and with age - more significant. Oyox is just that important link that helps to eliminate the shortage of sirtuines, renewing the correct self-regulation of the body.

- Sorry, but all this sounds like a fantastic promise, which is difficult to believe ...

- For non-specialists, maybe so. I will make a reservation: the achievable effects are characterized by the natural personality of the body, but clinical studies have shown the stable effects of oyox use. Here and the protection of the body's resources in environmentally unfavorable and stressful situations, and the overall rejuvenating effect, the feeling of lightness, reduced fatigue, normalization of sleep and an increase in endurance, and restoration of immunity. The brain's work is also improved, training processes are more efficient due to an increase in the volume of short-term and long-term memory, an irritability decreases. Plus, the structure of collagen, bone tissue and ligaments is restored, wound healing improves, which allows the preparation in the process of postoperative rehabilitation. Oyox restores the body after the course of steroids and antibiotics, heavy loads, stressful situations.

Quality of life: Expert Prevent-Age Elena Shishkin - About Sirtuins, cellular restoration and healthy habits for every day 10150_6

Contraindications: Individual intolerance of the components of the drug of plant origin, pregnancy, lactation period.

- Now a very important topic is preventive medicine. Since what age it should be done, what do you think?

- A young organism has good adaptive and self-regulating mechanisms for protection and recovery, while taking care of health need to start at this age. But the deficit of Sirtuins occurs after a 35-year-old line, and take OYOX before meaningless, except for clashes with unfavorable environmental factors of pollution of the external environment from the use and distribution of chemical preparations, heavy metals and microorganisms. As well as in the case of recovery after diseases.

- Name the five main things that everyone should do for its body every day.

- If we talk about daily rituals, they are pretty simple: to get out, stick to rational nutrition, maintain water balance and straightenfully spoil the life of ill-wishers with your success and health!

Details: https://oyox.eu/about-oyox/, @ oyox.eu

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