It became known which experts from Uzbekistan will attract to work in Rosatom

It became known which experts from Uzbekistan will attract to work in Rosatom 10138_1
It became known which experts from Uzbekistan will attract to work in Rosatom

In Rosatom, they disclosed what specialists from Uzbekistan will be able to get a job in the company. This was stated by the director of Personnel Atomstroyexport Alexander Chegodaev. He also told how to evaluate the qualifications of Uzbek workers.

Engineering division "Rosatom" Atomstroyexport together with representatives of Uzbekistan considers the possibility of attracting Uzbek workers to Russia. This was stated by the Director of Personnel Construction Companies "Atomstroyexport" Alexander Chegodaev. According to him, this is done with the purpose of transferring technologies and approaches in the construction of nuclear power plants.

Chegodaev noted that earlier no program under the agreement with WORLDSKILLS Russia, for which citizens of Uzbekistan, was not agreed with Rosatom. "Therefore, it is impossible to be approved or refuted that the content of programs complies with the qualifications of specialists imposed in Rosatom, he said.

However, today, Atomstroyexport and the leadership of Uzbekistan entered into an active phase of negotiations on the "organization of assessing professional skills of potential applicants," said the company's representative. According to Chegodaev, it was decided that only those specialists who would confirm their level of qualifications will be able to take the selection during employment in Rosatom. At the same time, the staff of the ANO "Corporate Academy of Rosatom" are in the role of consultants in the development of qualifications.

Chegodaev also called the main professions, which are planned to be employed by the citizens of Uzbekistan to pass internship. Among them are a welder, concrete, a reinforced concrete structure and installer.

We will remind, earlier, First Deputy Employment Minister of Employment and Labor Relations of Uzbekistan, Erkin Mukhitdinov, announced the preparedness of the country to create a professional qualifications of WORLDSKILLS standards for citizens of the republic, who plan to go to work on Rosatom facilities in Russia.

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