What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents)

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_1

Knowledge, skills, skills and real stages of the development of the baby in the column of Ira Zeziulina.

I always try to look at the situation objectively, to evaluate the problem from different sides, but when it comes to my child, then everything turns off the light in the head, and the main cockroach presses the "panic" button.

When my daughter was not even trying to crawl in 6 months, I stopped sleeping (ha ha, as if I had slept before). Funny comments on maternal forums did not promise anything good, and some enterprising parties looked at the telephones "Verified Osteopath."

And I, honestly, was ready to do everything, if only my child developed on the standards.

Run ahead, I will say that the daughter crawled in 8 months, went to the year and for 4 years it was not stopped. But you know, then I have worried about, and all due to the damn developmental norms that the Internet is chosen. It is necessary to understand that all these numbers are very averaged and completely focus on them. But try to explain this mother-neurotic, which did not sleep for several months.

Therefore, now I decided to betray anathema of the first killer's list of children up to a year and tell how the child could develop, which I wanted to spit banana mashed potatoes.

1 Week:

Eats, sleeps, yells, first pounded.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_2

1 month:

Eats, sleeps, yells and constantly poke.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_3

2 months:

Stopped reminding boiled eggplant, eats, sleeping, yelling.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_4

3 months:

Eats, sleeps, yelling in different ways, depending on what it bothers him; River your hair with the root if they get on hand. Perhaps smile, if you silently joke.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_5

4 months:

All right: Eat, sleeps, yell, trying to select your phone. It believes that you are very fun every time to lean over a rattle, which is thrown to the floor.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_6

5 months:

Rzhet, if you hit the leg about the angle. The most favorite dish - fingers, but ready to experiment and taste everything you like: toys, charging from the phone, daddy's nipple.

Some kids by this time have already learned to roll over from the back on the stomach, some even hold the bar and become on the punctures, and some suits everything and lying on his back (my daughter, for example, the horizontal world quite arranged up to 7 months). Well, yes, sleeping (not so much, as I would like) and yell.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_7

6 months:

Spits a zucchild He knows how the mother reacts is reacting, if you pull for these strange pieces in the ears; Sluming as Senbernar, stuffed into his mouth, nibbles everything that comes across his path (mostly your nipple). Perhaps it can turn over, which means that the change of diaper turns into a thriller, where you are the villain, whom everyone won.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_8

Seven months:

I found out how to cool to turn the porridge on the table and make impressionist sketches on it. Perhaps sat down (although, who will plan him?), Maybe he doesn't take it, but somehow it turns out in another part of the bed in three seconds, learned to pull the cord from the TV. He discovered the epilation of the cat.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_9

8 months:

Splashes yolk, trying to unlock the father's phone (to no avail), fell out of bed, loved Shakespeare (chew), perhaps already borrowed a couple of teeth (but not a fact), somehow it turns out to be a toilet if you went there for one minute.

I learned what kind of game "in Ku-ku". Laughs, if you show something funny (weather forecast, unpacking on YouTube, mom, closed on the balcony - it's funny, and the family comedy that you finally decided to see - no).

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_10

9 months:

I tried the taste of my father's shoes, a feline feed, a dry fly on the windowsill, yells on strangers, crawling into the sunset, as soon as you want to change the diaper, trying to raise the support, I found out what a wonderful toy is obtained from any package.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_11

10 months:

Moves around the apartment at the speed of light, believes that the most delicious food in your plate, terrorizes the cat, irrevocably told wired headphones, hanging on my leg, like a neighbor's dachshund, swallows books one after one (in the literal sense of the word), infinitely presses Buttons in a musical toy, believes that the wheels from the stroller are the most tasty in the world.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_12

11 months:

Confidently speaks in three languages ​​(though no one knows them), dancing at the wall under the favorite tracks from the music book, reaching the whole thing that lies badly, still trying to unlock the phone phone, learned how cool keyboard keys from a laptop, confident that all drawers in the house need to go through and bring order there. Tries to move standing. Falls. Falls. Falls.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_13

12 months:

Fills the gallery of your phone with hundreds of vague Selfie, I remember, where the key is on the apartment; It does not allow nobody to press the elevator button, opened the beautiful world of the garbage bucket; I understood how fun, when you run on the road from my mother; He knows how to make her grandmother leave him no longer.

What should a child be able to do for months to a year (a list for restless parents) 10118_14

You know, even this list can be criticized (forward), because all children are different and everyone develops in their pace. Of course, it would be great if the child would grow on a methods where his successes were painted by day, but alas are the most strange lottery.

The main thing is to remember that all the norms prescribed in the textbooks are a very average temperature in the hospital, so the hair is once again to themselves because of the norms are not worth it (for you a child will do).

And finally. My daughter in my daughter had 12 teeth, and her girlfriend had a peer - 2. On average, 7 teeth were obtained on the mouth. So we write down in the methods: "In a child, an average of 7 teeth." Well, you understood.

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