Vlad Tresurs - Deliveries Foots of Steel

Vlad Tresurs - Deliveries Foots of Steel 10114_1
Vlad Tresurs - Supplies for forgings from steel admin

The advantages and disadvantages of the forging forging is a process in which the metals are molded by applying compressive efforts to them. The classification of the forging process is based on the processing temperature, taking into account the cold or hot metal forging. Previously, the forging method was carried out with a hammer and anvil. It should be noted that the benefits of steel packs can be found there, so visit this site.

But today, with the advent of technological processes and traditional mechanical engineering, the forging is carried out using compressed air, hydraulic machines, press ham and steam. Forging - a very reliable process compared to casting, production, welding, mechanical processing and other metal molding processes.

Hot forging and cold forging are different methods of processing metals, but they give the same results. Let's discuss how forging processes:

The metal part is subjected to heat treatment at certain temperatures and depends on the type of metal, for example:

From 1100 to 1150 degrees for steel.

For aluminum alloys from 710 to 800 degrees for copper alloys.

During this process, the temperature should be higher than the crystallization point of this metal, which ensures the effect of the hardening of the metal. Check out the benefits and disadvantages of hot stamping:


Increased plastic strength.

High temperature helps to remove homogeneous substances due to an increase in diffusion.

Reduced pore size.

Cold forging is defined as a process at which the metal is processed below the crystallization point. This process is inexpensive compared to hot processing processes. This processing is used in light alloys, such as aluminum and copper. Cold forging is performed at room temperature, and the common method used in this procedure is a matrix stamping, at which the metal is placed in a form that is connected to anvil, and the hammer with force rushes to a piece of metal for modeling.

Cold stamping is preferable to hot stamping, as the details of cold stamping do not require finishing works, and this stage of the production process is very profitable. In the technique of cold forging less impurities, so the surface becomes smooth and brilliant.

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