Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing


In Russia, so many people have never been detained.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_1
Protesters in Moscow. Author: photo Vladislav Shatilo, RBC

January 23 throughout Russia passed mass protests in support of the arrested founder of FBK Alexei Navalny. By the number of participants, the rallies surpassed the protests after the release of the film "He is not Dimon", and the security forces put a record for the detainees - according to OVD info on January 24 04:28, 3296 people detained in Russia, of which 1294- in Moscow and Moscow and 489 - in St. Petersburg.

The head of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation Valery Fadeev said that he did not see violations in the arrests on dissenting protests.

Officer FBK Leonid Volkov announced that new protest shares will be held during the next weekend. According to him, it will be more difficult to organize rallies, at least for the reason that there are almost all of our regional coordinators under administrative arrest. "

Propaganda declared that adolescents call for stocks, but they did not become a majority

Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsov said that around 300 minors were detained throughout Russia, including about 70 in Moscow and 30 in St. Petersburg. The member of the ONK Moscow Marina Litvinovich added that all the detainees in the capital of minors were at the venue of protests by chance, they did not participate in it.

In social networks there was a video of hard detention of a 14-year-old child in Pushkin Square. Kuznetsova reported that the child was transferred to parents. According to her, the action of the police was an attempt to bring the child for the perimeter for safety.

The largest stocks were held in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

According to Reuters, in Moscow, a minimum of 40 thousand people came to the streets

The Agency called a share with one of the largest inconsistent events held in the capital in recent years. FBK estimated the number of participants in 50 thousand people. In the center of Moscow, according to the "White Counter", about 20 thousand people gathered. In Moscow police, they stated at 14:40 that about four thousand people came to the streets.

The Investigation Committee opened criminal cases after the promotion in Moscow: about the attack on the security forces (Article 318 of the Criminal Code), the hooliganism (213 of the Criminal Code) and the intentional damage to the property (167 of the Criminal Code).

RIA Novosti reported that 39 law enforcement officers were injured in Moscow. TASS reports about 42 affected security forces.

The action began at 14:00 in Pushkin Square, but people began to delay a few hours before. "Project" reported that the security forces about 13:00 received teams actively detain the crowd. According to the "Medusa", then on the Pushkin on average every half a minute delayed someone. By the beginning of the action "Freedom to Navalny!" Moscow reported 60 detainees.

Many came to the share with toilet lumps, the collected also chant "Russia without Putin!", "We are a law here!", "Freedom to Navalny!" And the "resignation gang!".

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_2
Protest action in Moscow at 13:00. Author: photo of Christina Safonova, "Medusa"

TJ correspondents told that adolescents were climbed on the arch on Pushkin Square and put posters in support of Navalny. In the same place, a young man with a poster against the founder of FBK was closed on the lantern, but he was removed from there and beat him.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_3
Photo TJ.

Until 14:00, the photographer was detained on Pushkin Square, Ilya Varlamov detained, he was released after checking the documents, and the photographer Evgeny Feldman. Immediately after the start of the promotion, the lawyer FBK Love Sabol was detained. The security forces also detained the operator "Rain", which removed the Pushkin area from above.

In Pushkin Square, the security forces began to be crowded with people - protesters piled on Earth and beat. On one of the rollers it can be seen how the fighter of the riot was dropped in the snow. The correspondent of RIA "News" said that the protestors began to throw siloviki for eggs.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_4

At 15:00, the protesters began to move towards the Manezh Square, hard arrests continued on Pushkinskaya. Kristina Safonova, correspondent, "Medusa" said that there was a "press" in the vest, but received strikes from the police officer for the shooting of what was happening. Doctors recorded the injury of soft tissues of the chest.

At 15:30 detained Julia Navalny.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_5
Yulia Navalal detention. Posted by: Video: Navalny Team

After 15:30, the security forces ousted people from the main part of Pushkin Square, the protesters began to leave from there. The crowd divided - no one had a single route.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_6

Part of the protesters reached the State Duma building, but the passage to the Kremlin was blown by security forces. Having reached Lubyanka, some turned back to Pushkin, and others moved to the boulevard ring. In Pushkin, the arrests began again.

Behind the passionate boulevard, the clashes with the police began, the security forces began to break through the coupling of people, in response, the protesters broke the coupling of the security forces.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_7
Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_8

The correspondent of "Kommersant" Alexander Chernykh told that the passionate boulevard was delivered by the wounded protesters.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_9
Photo by Alexander Black

Protesters reached the carriageway to the pipe area, but the roads were blocked by the road.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_10

People crowded the riot police from the tubular area, a large group of protesters gathered at the circus on a colored boulevard. They began to throw in the snowballs of security forces and passing cars.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_11
Video: "MediaZona"

Past of protesters drove out a car with a flashing bearing, they began to throw her in the snowballs, then swing and kick. The car also broke the glass. The source of RIA Novosti reported that the driver was knocked out eyes.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_12

The crowd of protesters gathered on the steps of the circus and began to scream "freedom of Alexey" and "Aquadiscotek".

The police began to squeeze people from the circus to the subway. There were harsh detention. Colored boulevard broke into areas from which there was no opportunity to go out.

A part of the protesters from the colored boulevard reached the main building of the FSB on Lubyanka, there were harsh detention. "Four people, police officers targeted on his knees before R. Ohon and made approximately a minute stand in this posture," said "Open Media".

Another part of the protesters moved toward the SIZO-1 "Sailor Silence", where Alexey Navalny is located. The entrances to the detention facility were blocked with snow removal equipment, and the gate was blocked by a truck. The insulator began harsh detention. The action in support of Navalny ended in the SIZO, where the oppositionist sits.

In St. Petersburg, during the protest, two high-profile events occurred, which were in the media

At first, the man hit the policeman at the Maneja, from the blow, the DPS officer fell to Earth.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_13

The attacker detained, SC opened a criminal case.

Then in the area of ​​the area of ​​the uprising, where the participants of the unauthorized promotion were detained, the riot police officer struck the 54-year-old woman in front of him, which fell from the blow.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_14

Police checks this video, the Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg also organized an inspection on the application of force to a woman.

The action in St. Petersburg began at 14:00 at the Senate Square, but more than 20 people were already detained there, including the journalist "MediaZones" and journalists of Kommersant. They were in the vests of the press and with distinctive signs.

Immediately after leaving the subway, the chief editor of TJ Sergei Star was detained. He spent nine o'clock in the police department, compiled a protocol on violation of coronavirus restrictions - mass meetings of people were prohibited in the city.

After the start of the action, the security forces squeezed people from the Senate Square, the crowd of protesters entered the Nevsky Prospect and reached the Kazan Cathedral. People chant the slogans "Putin Thief", "Down of the King" and "Freedom of Navalny".

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_15
Photo "Fontanka"

The crowd broke the cordon on the Nevsky Prospect, the security officials began to delay the protesters.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_16

From the Nevsky Prospect, the protesters went to the Marso field. The TJ correspondent said that the police did not interfere with people to pass there, but then began mass detentions. The user TJ added that "there at some point ran the columns of the riot and the people were conserved too to run away from the field."

After that, the crowd went to the subway "Seating courtyard", where the riot police had already been. There also began mass arrests.

The user TJ said that after that, the protesters moved back to Nevsky Prospect. On the way, someone threw a bottle into a police car. The column stopped at the House of Singer, where they stood the security forces. After that, people began to disperse.

Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_17
Photo TJ.

In St. Petersburg, journalists complained to beatings:

  • The Insider correspondent faith Ryabitsky was beaten during the arrest;
  • Journalism of the "New Gazeta" Elizabeth Kripanov Oman employee struck a baton on his head.
Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_18

There are no data on the number of action in St. Petersburg. According to various sources, up to 20 thousand people came to the streets.

Mass protests passed in other cities

The first shares began in the Far East: rallies and pickets were held in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. In Yakutsk, local residents have reached a rally in a 50-degree frost. Total stocks passed more than 100 cities.

  • Up to ten thousand people came to ten thousand people in Nizhny Novgorod;
  • According to journalists, in Krasnodar, a minimum of 5-6 thousand people came to the streets;
  • In Chelyabinsk, several thousand people came to the action;
  • In Ufa, more than five thousand people took part in the march shares;
  • In Irkutsk, more than 2.5 thousand thousand people came to the action;
  • About three thousand people came to the campaign in Tver. User TJ spoke about what happened;
  • In Novosibirsk, one of the protesters after hitting the baton began an attack of epilepsy. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the young man has a "sharp deterioration of well-being";
  • The TJ correspondent said that in Izhevsk to 14:25 local time about 700 people gathered at the central square, the "Putin Thief" slogans were heard and "we are here." There Silovikov also threw snowballs;
  • The TJ correspondent reported that in Samara protesters reached the city administration. Cars have beyond their support, there were no mass detention. After that, the security forces dispersed the crowd of people, but they began to overlap the streets;

  • In Nalchik, according to the evaluation of the TJ correspondent, almost no one came to the action. The security forces detained a man who shouted "Putin - ****** [bad man]";
  • More than three thousand people came to the streets in Yekaterinburg. The clashes of Yekaterinburgs with law enforcement officers resembled the ice side.
Shares for Navalny: more than three thousand detainees, cases of attack on security forces and adolescents on rallies. the main thing 10112_19
Promotion in Yekaterinburg

In the regions, due to shares, criminal proceedings also opened.

  • Three criminal cases opened in Vladivostok because of the protest action. According to the SC, one person pushed the Rosgvardeysman on the road and hit twice, and the second hit the police officer on the face and disappeared. The third case was opened under Article 267.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Actions, threatening safe operation of vehicles";
  • In the Novosibirsk region opened a criminal case on the fact of calls for mass riots. In the same article, the case was opened in Rostov-on-Don;

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