When is it better to train: in the morning or evening?


Many unprofessional athletes do not think about what time it is better to choose for training. They hurry to the hall as soon as you manage to carve out an extra watch. But scientists decided to consider this issue from a scientific point of view and picked up the most optimal time for classes in the gym.

When is it better to train: in the morning or evening? 10098_1

When it is better to go to workout: what scientists say

Scientists from different countries conducted research by dividing all those engaged in two groups: some engaged in the morning hours, others came to the hall in the evening. After 24 weeks, a comparative analysis was carried out, which showed that those engaged in the evening group were able to increase muscles by 50% more than the morning athletes, while the indicators of the force were also improved.

This experience is not the first, it was carried out 10 years ago, comparing the results of a 10-week training. And also engaged in the evening byte by the results of morning athletes. It was noted that evening kilograms were faster than those who visited classes in the morning time. It turns out that evening workouts are more fruitful? But for what reason?

What is the effectiveness of evening workouts

Researchers revealed that people engaged in the evening are engaged in more productively. And that's why:

  • In the evening, more glycogen is formed in the human body.
  • In the evening the body temperature rises. And this affects sporting performance.
When is it better to train: in the morning or evening? 10098_2

Why not change the workout schedule

But do not give up morning workouts, replacing them with evening. An even large number of factors affect productivity. If a person is engaged in physical work in the service, he will not be fully laid out in training in the evening. Therefore, such people are better to do in the morning or at lunchtime.

It is also worth considering that in the evenings in the gym always a large number of engaged in and will have to wait a long queue to work out on a popular simulator. And the refusal of planned exercises can adversely affect the productivity of classes.

How to improve training efficiency

If you do not work in the evenings for a number of reasons, you can consider other ways to increase productivity:

  • Caffeine use. It affects the responsiveness of the neuromuscane system, it allows you to take a greater weight.
  • Workout. In the morning, a longer warm-up is required. Therefore, a longer cardio should be included in the morning warm-up. Just 5-10 minutes longer, and the performance of strength training will be increased.
  • Classes at the same time. The body is a mechanism that adapts almost to everything. If you do at the same time, the body begins to get used to this. And it means, training will be no less productive than in the evening.

But do not forget about biological rhythms, if a person is more comfortable to train in the morning, then you should not switch to evening workouts, and vice versa.

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