Ideas for parents of young children: how together have fun weekend

Ideas for parents of young children: how together have fun weekend 10084_1

Each family has its own tradition sitting on holidays. Someone is engaged in the day of economic affairs, and in the evening just watching TV. Someone is customary to visit her grandparents. In any case, the proposed options will help to diversify the cultural program at the weekend parents who raise young children.

Home Film Festival

Everything that will need to hold it is a good film that, of course, will enjoy all family members, and a lot of snacks. Discuss in advance the repertoire, vote and enjoy watching!

Ideas for parents of young children: how together have fun weekend 10084_2

Weekend Excursion Not far from home

Take a map of the city and with the help of a compass Make a circle, the radius of which is equivalent to a distance of 10 km from the point where you live. Then let the child choose any direction inside the circle. There you can start the journey. And it is likely that it will be possible to detect an unexplored area, which will be interested in the whole family.

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pajama party

After the heavy everyday life, in which there was no light to wake up to work in time to work on time and, accordingly, to a kindergarten and school, everyone deserve to soar in bed. Without taking off the night robes, spend all day in the style of a pajama party. War pillows, "Twister", "Sea battle", Lotto, "Monopoly" - any games that come to mind are only welcome. And most importantly - remove your gadgets away.

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Treasure hunting

If younger kids grow in the family, hide in the evening when they have already easily sleep, some items all over the house. Then go to search for treasures the next day. If the kids are two, you can even arrange a competition. The one who finds the most hidden objects will receive a prize. In fact, a valuable gift will get to the whole family, because it will be possible to spend some unforgettable hours together.

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Weekend with karaoke

All family members love to sing? So why not arrange a kind of tournament performers karaoke? Even if there are no microphones, armed with my mom's comb, you can organize a fun view. By the way, scenic costumes can also be borrowed from parents. The whole family should try to sing as close as possible to the original version. Sea laughter and smiles guaranteed!

Ideas for parents of young children: how together have fun weekend 10084_6

Departure to nature

Will there be something more beautiful than to go all together in the nearest grove or on the lake. The air on the eve of spring is already saturated with freshness! And what is the beauty around ... just wander between trees, play the ball or arrange a small picnic with tea and sweets - every family solves the very way to spend time.

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Rest for curious

To expand the horizons of the whole family, you need to include a visiting planetarium to the weekend program. Contemplation of heavenly bodies will help you forget about heavy weekdays, relax and learn a lot of new things. In addition, there will be museums, theaters, exhibitions, dolphinariums, the Circus with a suitable choice. The main thing is to be interested in all: both parents and children!

A joint holiday is very united by a family. Therefore, set aside all homemade troubles on other days and spend the weekend with children. After all, it is about these hours and days they will remember when they will become adults.

And after the active recreation, it will be useful to arrange a joint cleaning with children. Earlier, we were told, from what age they advise to teach the kids to order psychologists.

Photo licensed twenty20

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