Product Cards: 3 Benefits for banks from such a project


It happened what the various experts were told about different levels. As you all know, the state must necessarily assist those people who first need it. As an example, the maternity capital can be given, which is provided by a certain category of citizens. But today, even the president recognizes that serious abuses are available in this issue. As you already understood, in this material it will be about the introduction of grocery cards.

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In the issue of grocery cards, abuse is also possible. But if we talk about the project itself, there is nothing shameful. If west talk about the United States, then in this country, such cards are used for a very long time, and it is worth recognizing that they are very popular among ordinary people. As statistics show, millions of America's citizens receive assistance from the state in the form of food cards.

In Russia, it was decided to fix prices for the most significant products. However, for the economy, such solutions, harm can be called positive. If you enter fixed prices, then such a solution can significantly harm the economy. But if we are talking about cards for a specific group of people, this option is more than acceptable. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin himself gave tasks to relevant bodies to work out the question with cards.

What is the benefit for banks?

Naturally, you already guessed themselves that the corresponding banking patterns will be introduced. For example, in America, they can not be purchased on only certain forks of goods. The purchase of a variety of delicacies, drugs and economic goods is impossible.

There is no doubt that the real struggle among banks will unfold for the issue of such cards. Why? Yes, everything is simple:

  1. They have the opportunity to get a new customer base, which, according to approximate estimates, will be more than a million people.
  2. All sorts of additional income. Definitely, when calculating the products, each trading point will receive a specific commission. Most likely, it will be lower than the standard, however, it is important to its presence.
  3. On accounts will remain certain remnants. Most likely, the money will "come" to the card centrally. It is unlikely that recipients will be able to use the whole amount at once. If you believe banknotes, then the accounts will remain in the amount of 30% of the accrual. Consequently, from one billion (per month), the bank can count on the balance of 300 million rubles.
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What could be the order of help?

At the moment, in Russia, about 20 million people are considered poor. If even a state of 2000 each will list each, then the amount of costs in the budget will be 40 billion per month.

What conclusion?

In general, keeping cards is good idea. The most important question is whether it will be possible to fully implement it? Everyone knows well that in Russia it is with the latter there are difficulties.

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