24-hour, morning and with bionic glasses: 6 classrooms in Russian Clubhouse


From the social network Clubhouse is simply impossible to hide. Here we wrote that it was for the place, how to get there and why all the invites are asked there. There is a feeling that Clubhouse with us for a long time, and it is necessary to get used to it. Therefore, we decided to collect the most high-level rooms for you, in which you can fly and listen to interesting speakers.

24-hour, morning and with bionic glasses: 6 classrooms in Russian Clubhouse 10070_1

"Who is and why is needed ..."

The author of this room is a popular blogger Anatoly Kapustin. Initially, her joke called "Who is and why is you needed by Hermann Klimenko?", Listeners were gathered there, and familiar Kapustin invited to speakers. One day, the real German Klimenko came there and shared information about the protection of the Internet along with the president. Now the guests are the most different speakers, in honor of which they call a room, for example, Mikhail Chaz, Nastya Ivelev, Danya Milochin and many others.

"What's new?"

The comedian Alexander Dolgopolov made this room. There, he is discussing every morning with other comedians and activists of the events over the past day and the current morning. Sometimes the speakers become listeners who tell that they have new. There can be placed between 10:00 and 12:00 every morning.


It can be said that this is the official Yandex room in Clubhouse. There are "shop", "Drive", "Kew" and other services of the company. Discussion is built around future Yandex projects and job stories. In addition, there sometimes give promotions to some services, so connecting to this room may not only be cognitive, but also profitable.

24-hour, morning and with bionic glasses: 6 classrooms in Russian Clubhouse 10070_2

Photo: Facebook Daniel Schuleiko

"Silent dating for people with interesting bio"

Practically "Club Diogen" from Sherlock Holmes, where people just sit in silence and read descriptions of each other's profiles. At the same time there is about 600 people with microphones turned off. In this room you can gain invites for activity, because speakers make any users. In addition, it is obviously, you can get acquainted with new people without the need to speak with them.

"Mata Nui"

Flashmob The room, which was launched by the editor DOXA Armen Aramed and a former journalist "Echo Moscow" Michael Naki. In Mata Nui, participants of the biomic movement are gather daily, they put them figures on the autars and arrange raids to other groups. There, the raids are knocked out into the speakers and read the manifesto of the bionic communist party. By the way, because of these figures in Cubhouse banned Vladimir Solovyov, which can be read here.

The room has leaders, among which Aramyan and Naki, as well as Alexander Dolgopolov and Roman Kiselev. Also in "Mata Nui" directed by Kantemir Balagov, which will remove the first series of film release of The Last of Us. We wrote about her here.

24-hour, morning and with bionic glasses: 6 classrooms in Russian Clubhouse 10070_3

Photo: SRSLY.RU.

"Startup-cafe 24/7"

Home Business Room Clubhouse. There are starters offering ideas for their projects, discuss business, looking for employees and reason about attracting financing and launching new products. Moreover, this is one of the few rooms in the Russian segment of Clubhouse, which works around the clock and all week. During the day there may be up to a hundred people with business costumes on avatars.

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