How to insulate the brick wall from the inside


Installation of an external insulation is not always possible and you have to consider the option, as and what is available to insulate the outer brickwork, the lining wall is not outside, but from the inside.

Resort to the interior decoration of walls with thermal insulation materials is necessary if:

• The building refers to architectural monuments and insulation outside the wall - it means to make changes to the appearance of the facade;

• From the insulation, it is necessary to mount isolation and in the freezing high-rise buildings, since according to the law, it is forbidden to change the appearance of the structure in the brick or panel house.

How to insulate the brick wall from the inside 1007_1

If you decide to warm the carrier brick partition, remember that the thickness of the heat-insulating "cake" on the wall reaches 10 cm and the finish from the inside reduces the space.

Taking the installation of insulation with your own hands, do not allow future condensate falling on the surface being processed and to properly insulate a wooden or brick plane, always leave the ventilation gap between the wall and material.

Methods and materials


- The most eco-friendly and classic way. From how to produce work correctly depends, whether it will be possible to warm the outer wall. Consider that the surface will have to cover the plaster several times. And for the brick and for the panel house it is important to achieve the necessary thickness of heat shields from the inside.

How to insulate the brick wall from the inside 1007_2

Mineral Vata.

It is possible to effectively insulate the brick and wooden walls both outside and from the inside. But remember that it is a vapor-permeable material, and to prevent the contact of the heated wet air with the fence, you need to close the plates both outside and on the inside of vaporizolation.

To insulate according to the rules, the brick design is closed with a film. And the jokes are sampled, then the lamp is mounted on the wall, and the cells from the inside are laid by the Minvata. Then the layer is closed with a film and a counter-lamp is stuffed for subsequent trim.

Polystyrene extruded

- Easy and durable material, and if you doubt, how to warm the cold brick partition, choose the EPS. Mounting the plates on the wall can be on the same scheme that cotton wool. The inside is created, and the cells are filled with the material, but the lamp contributes to the formation of condensate in the apartment, and therefore it is better to clean the surface, primitive and plant the EPS on the mounting foam, filling the joints with a foam mass.

How to insulate the brick wall from the inside 1007_3


- cheap and affordable material, but in a fire, the poisoning substances are lit and releases. Heat the inner side of the wall is recommended by a foam density of 35 kg / m3.

From the inside, it is possible to thermally insulate the brick partitions on the principle of mineral wool with a crate, but the masters are advised from the inside to use the installation foam and seal the joints. Polyfoam is relevant if the corner apartment is insulated.

Such a way like

PPU spraying

It is possible in the presence of skills and special equipment. In order to productively insulate the space, take into account both the functionality of the room: a brick or concrete wall in urban housing differs from the bearing structures of a bath or a country house, because from the inside they will have different and temperature and humidity.

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