More than 60 thousand companies around the world hacked due to vulnerability in Microsoft

More than 60 thousand companies around the world hacked due to vulnerability in Microsoft 10040_1

Due to the vulnerability found in Microsoft's American Corporation, the world predicted the global crisis - tens of thousands of companies can be infected with viruses or attacked to theft of user data and employees, Bloomberg reports.

According to the agency, a vulnerability took advantage of a hacker group associated with the PRC authorities. According to the latest information, there are no less than 60 thousand victims of these criminal action. It is noted that most of the victims are small or developing business. One of the American companies involved in cybersecurity, under the conditions of anonymity, reported that he also became a victim of attack due to vulnerability.

The US authorities have already paid attention to the problem and believe that it is sufficiently dangerous to pay attention to the operators of communication. Representatives of the White House noted that in the administration of the American president, response measures were preparing for cyber of hackers. According to American officials who wished to remain anonymous, the White House has already decided to work on the creation of an emergency cybergroup from various departments to determine the scale of attack due to vulnerability. The Washington Post newspaper interlocutors stressed that for this purpose they will meet during the week. According to her, the US authorities will announce the creation of a single coordination group, which will study the consequences of the kibertak of hackers, the source reported. According to him, this group will also indicate what actions must be taken to reduce damage and prevent such problems in the future. It is noted that Microsoft is in contact with the Bayden administration and government departments on ensuring the safety of companies that could potentially suffer from the actions of hackers.

At the moment, Microsoft has released an update that closes the vulnerability used by hackers. However, according to experts in cybersecurity, in the case of this vulnerability, it is not necessary to do with this vulnerability, it is necessary to carry out a full analysis of all systems and programs that were involved in hacking. So, experts are confident: if the company use the Microsoft Exchange service, it is extremely likely that their systems were suspended.

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