Scientists called the new cause of the coronavirus pandemic

Scientists called the new cause of the coronavirus pandemic 10033_1

Above the "green" and those who regularly raises the issue of global warming, love to fool. And it seems completely in vain. Scientists from the United States, Germany and the UK concluded that climate change, affected China and neighboring regions could play in the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers disclosed their own conclusions in the article published in the Science of the Total Environment.

As is known, the risk that a particular coronavirus (COV) will acquire pathogenic properties, depends on the species diversity of volatile mice in the region. In turn, biodiversity depends on climate, which causes animals to move from some territories to others. Bats begin to interact with other kinds of mammals, which opens new transmission paths for viruses for viruses to develop virulence.

The researchers identified the geographical ranges of various types of volatile mice around the world at the beginning of the 20th century and now compared them with the models of the global distribution of vegetation, corresponding to a specific climate. Vegetable cover cards were based on the average monthly temperature, precipitation, clouds and minimum temperatures from 1901 to 2019. The accuracy of this approach was previously confirmed by empirical data.

Then the cards were combined with another two sets of known data: dependence of volatile mice from certain plants and how widely one or another type of volatile mice can occur (this area is wider than the actual animal habitat). As a result, the researchers received a grid, for each cell of which the species wealth of manoplays is known.

It is worth noting that this approach does not take into account the actual disappearance of vegetation due to human activity. At the same time, the Southern Chinese province of Yunnan and the neighboring regions in Myanmar and Laos for an eyelid turned into a hot point with a high volatile mice that researchers are associated with climatic changes, due to which tropical shrubs changed with tropical savannas and deciduous forests. As a result, the number of coronaviruses carried by mancrew, about 50-150 species, has increased here (each bat carries 2.67 COV), which is not observed in one another point of the globe.

As the authors note to reduce the risk of distribution of zoonoses in the future, it is important to take measures to protect the natural habitat, introduce strict rules regarding the hunting and trade of wild animals, and also prevent risky food and medical traditions.

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