What do you need to do to get rich? Why am I not rich?

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Why am I not rich? Photo: Depositphotos.

Many have already squeezed asking a omission of a sentence that happiness is not in the money. And most of us know how the wealth is affected or its absence on our lives and happiness. But how to become rich? How to stop thinking over each of your spent, count funds before salary and refuse desires?

In my article, I will list the five main barriers that stand on the path of each person and separate him from the dream of wealth.


Let's look at this barrier on a simple example. What do you think it will help an alcoholic quickly tie with drinking - terrible frames showing his liver in the future, with a description of what flour it is expected, or a small and understandable video, in which a specialist will tell about a simple way to say goodbye to alcohol addiction forever and ever?

If you believe that the correct answer is the second, then deeply mistaken. Most of the alcoholics after viewing the second video, will close the link, perhaps even with the intention of ever to follow the advice of a specialist, but in 99.9% of cases they will forget about it in a couple of days.

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Every person who achieved wealth and success was a clear idea of ​​what he wanted to photo: Depositphotos

But after the first video, they have in the brain, at least for many years the picture of terrible torments from their future will postpone.

It was these results that recently showed the recent studies of the physicians who were published on the Pages of American Journal of Health Promotion. A group of researchers concluded that motivation is the best way to change itself than the provision of instructions. As soon as a person really wants something, he will find a way and means to achieve this.

Every person who achieved wealth and success was a clear idea of ​​what he wanted. But he did not just know what to strive for, he possessed an extremely high degree of internal motivation.

The next time you think about wealth, do not imagine bags with money, it is unlikely that it will motivate that. Much better if you think about what to spend these bags: let's laugh on travels in which you will go along with your relatives, about the excellent car of your favorite color, about chic apartments in which every member of your family will be able to get a private room (or where You can equip your office or gym).

Or perhaps you want to present a gift to the close and native person about which this person dreamed so long, or build a house for orphans.

Money is just a tool that will give us the opportunity to embody your dreams into reality, so do not wish just wealth, but strive for the incarnation of desires.

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Money is only a tool, so striving need to dream photo: Depositphotos


What would you do not decide to do, first of all, start with learning. Even if it seems to you that "familiar told you all the information" or "5 years of the Institute - this is enough", find the narrow specialized literature and study it. In addition, it is impossible to earn good, without knowing how to communicate, so find information on the psychology of relationships and business etiquette.


Before proceeding to the implementation of the Plan, think about what you have to refuse. Have you ever met a truly rich man? Surely his day is painted in minutes, naturally, he has time and travel on a luxurious yacht, but during the development of new projects, most of his time belongs to work. Therefore, first of all, understand that in the course of the development of your business, you will have to give you most of themselves - in the days of only 24 hours, and this constant is unchanged for everyone.

I, of course, do not dissuade you to develop your business or strive up the career staircase, just for the future you need to understand that the model "Work - a sofa in front of the TV" will not bring you high income and it will have to abandon it. In addition, you will surely miss a lot of noisy parties for all weekends.

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Be prepared for the fact that you have to work a lot to work: Depositphotos

At the very beginning of its path to wealth, make a list that is not so important in your life, and spend time with benefit. If you can not part with something, try to do it in a less categorical form - for example, the weekly meetings with friends cut up to once a month.


As soon as they decided to act - act! Do not postpone the beginning of the implementation of your project "For later". Psychologists argue if a person has not begun to implement his decision for 72 hours, he will most likely make it never. Do not hope that you will turn into a heavy duty car for making money in ten years, in a year or even next Monday.

Any long-term project will first seem so far: buying an apartment while you are a student, education of a smart and happy child, while you are still pregnant, or the development of a successful case, while you do not have the necessary knowledge or experience. You should not think about how much you have to do in life - you have to move forward! Doubts are pursuing almost everyone, but "the way only walking" will be asked. "

Make a schedule and try to follow him. Do not attempt from the first days to put impossible goals in front of you - let it be just a few minutes a day (for example, half an hour or a quarter of an hour daily to study the necessary literature), but regularly.

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Exercise that brings you pleasure photo: Depositphotos

Happiness is not in money

Do what brings you pleasure. Is it possible to do daily for many months or years a job that does not deliver a person of pleasure? Of course, it is possible, but it will never bring substantial profits. Only the case in which insert the part of the soul, which becomes a source of joy, can not just bring profit, but enrich you.

Think that you like to do what you would like to do daily for many years, and only after that decide how you can make money.

I hope that my article not only helped you answer the question "Why am I not rich?", But also infected with optimism and the desire to change something in his life for the better.

Author - Ekaterina Fisherman

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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