Officials want to be treated for free, and why should ordinary people pay? In the Hospital of Tetyukhin, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil answered

Officials want to be treated for free, and why should ordinary people pay? In the Hospital of Tetyukhin, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil answered 10022_1

In the Ural Clinical Medical and Rehabilitation Center named after V.V. Tetyukhin (SECTRC) painfully perceived the statement of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil Vladislav Pinayeva that the hospital is better to learn how to earn themselves than constantly hope for quotas.

First of all, the team of Uklrtz reminded the Gradentist that the hospital created as part of a public-private partnership is the only social investment project of Nizhny Tagil in modern history. The share of stationary medical care provided by the Policy of the OMS is 98%, and in six years aid was provided with 40 thousand patients.

Even at the design stage, the work format was agreed with the Ministry of Health and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region.

In EMS, noted that, in fact, Vladislav Tetyukhin performed the work of the head of the city, creating the social infrastructure of Nizhny Tagil and caring for the health of the inhabitants. The Creator of the Center repeatedly said that he does not consider it as a way to extract profits.

In their opinion, the head of the city joined the regional Ministry of Health, the head of the city, although "the head of the municipality should have a clear understanding that quotas are not needed by the medical center, but people." In turn, the Federal Ministry mentally denotes a position on this issue: the basis of the provision of medical assistance should be the quality and accessibility, and not the principle of jurisdiction.

Officials want to be treated for free, and why should ordinary people pay? In the Hospital of Tetyukhin, the mayor of Nizhny Tagil answered 10022_2

Pinayeva's words about allegedly refusing to expand the scope of activity in the center denied. So over the past two years, a urological office was opened, a program of early diagnosis of oncological diseases, an ophthalmic and cardiological direction, direction on neurosurgery, and so on. On the other hand, the Sverdlovsk Ministry of Health ignored the proposals of SCHLS on the development of the direction of operational activities in the field of urogenital system and gynecology.

They also told about queries for treatment from officials and deputies, and almost all of them wish to correct health at the expense of the State Guarantee Program.

As a result, Pinayeva compared in the hospital with other figures, sadly famous phrases "the state did not ask you to give birth" and "smaller to eat."

Recall that the former co-owner of VSMPO-AVISMA Vladislav Tetyukhin sold his shares of the titanium enterprise and invested all the money (more than 3.3 billion rubles) in the construction of a hospital in Nizhny Tagil, the main direction of which restore the function of the musculoskeletal system. The capacity of the center is designed for 10-12 thousand operations per year, but due to the lack of quotas, it is underloaded. The leadership of the hospital periodically accuses the Sverdlovsky Ministry of Health in an attempt to destroy the center. Now regional authorities require to return 1.2 billion rubles with money or shares of the institutions that were invested in the construction of co-financing.

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