A high school student from Pyt-Yah plans to become a worthy specialist of health care

A high school student from Pyt-Yah plans to become a worthy specialist of health care 10017_1
A high school student from Pyt-Yah plans to become a worthy specialist of health care

They are proud of the school, city and region. While the teacher is looking for a table necessary to solve the problem of biology, a student of the 10th grade Maxim Krivoshoshkov has already decided this task. The young man has a goal - to become a worthy specialist of the health sector.

Maxim Krivoshchekov, a high school student number 6: "Medicine is more for those people who want to help other people want to express themselves in helping others. I understand that it will be very difficult, it will be very hard, but with difficulties you need to cope. Difficulties are simply barriers to the life path that you need to overcome. Otherwise, just not to achieve goals. " Self-education on the way to goal is now ranked first in the life of the high school student. Reading books, solving tests and in general, in-depth study of profile objects - biology, chemistry, Russian language and mathematics - together with experienced mentors, decent results bring. For the second year in a row, Maxim is among the best connoisseurs of biology at the region level. Last year was the fifth, and in this - already became the second. Irina Fedorochova, Central School Biology Teacher No. 6: "In the Olympiad, in which he participates, you know, theoretically, in principle, this is every diligent and very in-depth child can do. But, here, the practical part is to dig. You know, there are children - "We have already done it, we already know that we don't want it," he never refuses. That is, it is very mandatory. This quality in the current disciples is very lacking. "

The decision to go to the profile chemical biological class Maxim accepted practically without thinking, because it is a wonderful chance to get in-depth knowledge for the exam on the necessary subjects in the walls of the native school. Absolutely free, without resorting to the services of tutors. There would be a desire for whom Maxim - in excess.

"He never saves his time, never says:" I'm tired. " He will come, and we will work with it. I have been working for a long time, and I had such children. But, here, Maxim, probably, I finally, to the sunset of my work activity, this is a gift for such over, "said the teacher of Central School Biology No. 6 Irina Fedorochev.

Maxim's mentors sincerely believe in his future successes, they are convinced that next year a high school student will take the first step of the pedestal of the district Olympiad. After all, the use of all opportunities to implement their far-reaching plans is the secret of success of one of the outstanding students of School No. 6.

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