Russian Charpeck: how to bake a delicious apple pie?

Russian Charpeck: how to bake a delicious apple pie? 10002_1
Russian Charpeck: how to bake a delicious apple pie? Photo: Depositphotos.

Once neither called this famous cake, tasty biscuit! And quarreling, and charlot. It was Charlot who called the cake with jam (yes, it was with jam! "Vladimir Dal. Error? Or is there such a recipe?

Crokery recipes are a huge set. When they say the word "quarreling", what are your associations? Aerial biscuit with apples. But fillers have quarreling mass. Molokhovets has recipes with cherry and currant. I prefer the stove charlotte only with apples. And apples in this cake - not a filling, not a secondary component. Apples - duet, equality with biscuit, apples are democratic and ventilat.

Agatha Christie describes a generous home table, cooked by the hands of the faithful Khun cook:

The treats accepted in our house were distinguished by truly incredible luxury compared to the fact that they are usually served to guests now. At first, a set of two soups - mashedral and broth was offered, followed by a haluck or language. After she was Sherbet, behind him the saddle lamb. And a complete surprise was a Langust under mayonnaise; On the sweet pudding "diplomat" or Russian quarreling and then dessert. And all this jane prepared alone.

Why is still a charlotte - Russian? The name is French ... A Russian man is adventurous, inventive. The story made it so much to suffer, but survive. So in history with the cake.

There is a legend that the cake was received by Tsarevich's wife Alexey Mikhailovich - Charlotte, who, by rumors, loved apple pies very much. As far as this is true, it is difficult to judge. The name has become a none, with a burning end. And it became the name of the Calorian delicacy.

Russian Charpeck: how to bake a delicious apple pie? 10002_2
Photo: Depositphotos.

Initially, the recipe for quarreling was thereby emergency - to save products.

  • A stale white bread or a loaf needed to trim from crusts and richly twisted with oil and cream. No diet! Or quarreling, or calorie counting. No options. And the more oil, the more cream - the tastier the pie.
  • Bread layer with butter and cream, layer of purified apples. The layers alternate in a lubricated oil form. Sleep out nuts and cinnamon, vanilla and sugar.
  • The topmost layer is abundantly falling asleep with sugar and minutes for 30-40 the future dish goes into the oven. Good quarreling is warm, soft, with fragrance of gentle apples.

And there are already processed by the Russian thought recipes of biscuit from flour and apples. Baton is no longer needed. And it is just such a lightweight way to prepare for me roads and convenient. There are no cream and oil, here the calories are no longer peg. Such a biscuit of a charlottery can be called with a large tension, only except due to the scatter of apples on the pie.

  • 500 g of green apples clean from the peel, cut thin slices. Two glasses of flour, two glasses of sugar and 4 eggs.

All this quickly, very quickly, for 15 seconds, beat the mixer and interfere with apples. Pour into a lubricated oil shape and bake. 20-30 minutes. The cake shut up, a wooden wand pinched a middle. Dry? Turn off!

Russian Charpeck: how to bake a delicious apple pie? 10002_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

Another version of quarreling. With sour cream and butter.

  • 200 g of soft butter to be confused with one cup of sugar and three yolks.
  • Three proteins beat separately into a thick foam.
  • In 200 g sour cream (15-20%), carefully enter oil with sugar, yolks and proteins.
  • A teaspoon of hawed soda and flour ... But flour will have to add to the eye: the dough should be like on pancakes. Pretty liquid.

Purified apples are put so: part of the dough is poured into the form, the pieces of apples are laid out, poured the remains of the test. Baked as long as 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

  • Easy and airiness biscuit test will give the time of stirring (15 seconds) and thoroughly whipped eggs.

Any cooking dish does not tolerate fuss and bad mood. This is a deep philosophy of creativity, understanding what and why do. And the quarreling is very sensitive to your unimportant well-being or lack of harmony in the shower. Clean thoughts, clean hands, pure heart. And your Russian quarreling will bring together a common table of loved ones and relatives.

Russian Charpeck: how to bake a delicious apple pie? 10002_4
Photo: Depositphotos.

Starting from the quotes of Agatha Christie, her own words and finish. She often told her readers that

... It's just amazing what a huge pleasure can be obtained almost from all that exists in life. There is nothing more exemplary than taking and love everything. You can enjoy almost any food and any lifestyle ...

Let the advice of the great author! Pleasure to you in everything!

Author - Jeanne Magina

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