Articles #9

There were discussions on issues of implementation in Artsakh current and planned programs

There were discussions on issues of implementation in Artsakh current and planned programs
On Thursday, in Yerevan, chaired by the Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikola Pashinyan and the President of Artsakh, Aructunyan and, with the participation...

Who are caught for growing potatoes

Who are caught for growing potatoes
Last month, an amendments were amended to Article 10.12 "Violation of the established rules of production, processing, sales, storage, transportation and...

Banks selected profits from insurers

Banks selected profits from insurers
Insurance companies for 2020 were able to increase the awards by 4.1% to 1.5 trillion rubles, the Central Bank said. Even the restrictions associated...

Diva-type UAZ "Profi" called "half a gun"

Diva-type UAZ "Profi" called "half a gun"
UAZ represents a new version of the transmission truck "Profi" with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons and worth less than a million. In the model line...

Actors who can not get along with one set

Actors who can not get along with one set
Some Very hard to get around during the shooting process. In this article we will tell, which of the actors categorically refuse to take off together after...

Governor Andrei Travnikov: Amendments to the budget will send an additional 390 million rubles for housing for orphans

Governor Andrei Travnikov: Amendments to the budget will send an additional 390 million rubles for housing for orphans
Andrei Travistov positively assessed changes in the budget of the region, adopted on March 25 during the session of the Legislative Assembly of the...

Betin: The main resource of the civil service is his team

Betin: The main resource of the civil service is his team
On March 4, within the framework of the series of round tables in Russia, the EXECUTIVE MPA - Strategies of Leadership in Management, implemented jointly...

What happened to the star "Gardemaryn" by Olga Masha?

What happened to the star "Gardemaryn" by Olga Masha?
What happened to the star "Gardemaryn" by Olga Masha? Anastasia DenisenkoCharming sophia from "Gardenaarins" can not find out. Masha changed plastic...

How many chickens need to be started for egg wealth

How many chickens need to be started for egg wealth
Planning is a great start of any case that will help to avoid many disappointments and errors. And here is the first of them: think that every chicken...

The shoemaker showed how to fix the divergent zipper, and it is easier than it seems

The shoemaker showed how to fix the divergent zipper, and it is easier than it seems
The consigning castle is the first cause of the death of things on zipper. This often occurs with boots, jackets and backpacks, and after vain attempts...

As a work of art: 5 Russian brands of clothing and accessories with art prints

As a work of art: 5 Russian brands of clothing and accessories with art prints
As a work of art: 5 Russian brands of clothing and accessories with art prints Anastasia AgeevApproaching March 8, and as always the question arises...

600-meter asteroid will fly past the Earth at the end of March

600-meter asteroid will fly past the Earth at the end of March
600-meter asteroid will fly past the Earth at the end of MarchAccording to forecasts, the asteroid will have a diameter of about 914 meters, and the...

Named the most scandalous tricks of Andrei Malakhov in the "Light Air"

Named the most scandalous tricks of Andrei Malakhov in the "Light Air"
Instagram @ Malakhov007 In the media, they told about the most extraordinary tricks of Andrei Malakhov while working in the show "Direct Ether". The...

New frames and video from the shooting "Torah 4" teaser transformation Natalie Portman in a mighty torus

New frames and video from the shooting "Torah 4" teaser transformation Natalie Portman in a mighty torus
On the Daily Mail website and Twitter appeared new frames and video from the filming of the movie "Thor: Love and Thunder" Thai Weiti. On the set finally...