Curving Mousse Cupcakes "Tiffany"

Curving Mousse Cupcakes
Curving Mousse Cupcakes Tiffany


  • Biscuit 20x20:
  • 110 gr. Wheat flour
  • 100 gr. Butter (Room Temperature)
  • 90 gr. Sahara
  • 100 gr. Yaitz
  • 4 gr. Basin
  • Berry nimble:
  • 185 gr. Cream 33%
  • 92 gr. milk
  • 166 gr. White chocolate
  • 12 gr. Glucose syrup (how to replace sugar below)
  • 6 gr. gelatin + 36 grams. cold water (I have 240 bloom)
  • 40 gr. any berry or fruit puree
  • Lavender, if desired, if you cook cakes with blueberries or blueberries
  • Dye at will
  • Berry Mousse:
  • 135 gr. any berry or fruit puree
  • 55 gr. Sahara
  • 22 gr. Glucose syrup
  • 55 gr. White chocolate
  • 8 gr. gelatin + 48 grams. Cold water
  • 280 gr. Cream 33%
  • chocolate muss:
  • 125 gr. Cream 33%
  • 77 gr. White chocolate
  • 60 gr. milk
  • 5 gr. gelatin + 30 gr. Cold water
  • Dye at will

Cooking method:

Today we are preparing incredibly tasty mousse cakes "Tiffany".

The recipe is designed for a square frame 20x20.

As part of: Gentle biscuit, berry venge, berry mousse and chocolate mousse.

Glucose can be replaced by invert syrup or ordinary sugar.

Just consider that sugar is sweeter glucose, and the invert syrup is sweeter than sugar.

Sugar Sweet Coefficient - 100

Coefficient of sweetness invert sugar - 125

Glucose Sweet Coefficient - 38

Berry nimble

A berry mash is preparing longer, so we start with it!

1) In the skeleton pour cream, milk, glucose, add a little lavender (without it, too, sooo delicious!) And any fruit or berry puree, I have a puree of blueberries.

We put on the middle fire.

2) Gelatin fill with cold water.

3) When cream with milk and berry puree reached a boil, remove from the fire and pour into chocolate.

Dissolve it.

4) add the gelatin mass and at the request of the dye.

We interrupt the immersion blender.

5) Aimmetry is very liquid, so cover it with a food film in contact and remove to the refrigerator from 6 hours to one day.

In the refrigerator it thickens.

6) The frozen mash is whipped with a mixer and we will have a delicious cream cream. (see Video)


1) Soft butter whipped with a mixer with sugar to a light cream.

2) We take eggs to uniformity, mix the flour with a bustle.

3) Thinking the eggs to the eggs and continue to beat the mixer.

4) Next to this mass, all immediately suck the flour and gently mix.

5) We install the Iron Frame 20x20 on the baking sheet, wrapped with foil.

6) fill it with the dough and remove into the heated oven to 170 degrees for 25-35 minutes.

7) Next, let it cool, take out from the frame and cut off the top layer so that the biscuit was smooth.


The frame is tightened by the food film or turn the foil.

We put on the substrate or the board and fill the yummy with a blade and spatula.

We remove in the freezer at least 1 hour.

Berry Mousse

1) In the skeleton we pour glucose, fruit puree, add sugar.

We put on fire and after boiling, weganing 30 seconds.

2) Gelatin fill with cold water.

3) Hot puree with sugar pour into chocolate, mix and let it cool to 80 degrees.

4) We enter the gelatin mass there.

We remove to cool up to 36-40 degrees (check on the eye or thermometer).

5) Cold cream whipped to the state of "Moala Ice Cream".

6) To the cooled chocolate-berry emulsion, we add semi-unified cream and mix the wedge.

Optionally, add a dye.

7) pour mousse on a frozen venue.

We remove in the freezer at least 1 hour.


1) Gelatin fill with cold water.

2) Milk is brought to a boil.

We pour into chocolate, mix and let it cool to 80 degrees.

3) We introduce the gelatin mass.


4) Cold cream whipping to the state of "melting ice cream".

5) To the cooled weight of up to 36-40 degrees, add semi-unbound cream and dye.

Mix the wedge.

6) Pour the third layer into the form and remove at least one day in the freezer, a maximum of a month.

Such cakes are very well stored in the freezer.

On the right day, we get a cake from the freezer and with the help of the ruler we cut into cakes.

At will decorate.

We remove them to clean up the refrigerator at least 2 hours before serving.

Bon Appetit everyone! See you at the fragrant kitchen!

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