Tatar Patties Vak Balish - Tasty and very satisfying


Tatar cuisine is famous for soy diverse baking. Vak Balish is delicious pies with incredibly juicy stuffing.


For baking 20 small pies will need:
  • flour - 800g;
  • kefir - 400 ml;
  • Butter (can margarine) - 250 g;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • meat or finished mince - 600 g;
  • Fat Kurdunny - 100 g;
  • Potatoes - 700 g;
  • bulbs - 4 pcs.;
  • Broth - 70 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tsp. in the dough and filling;
  • Black pepper ground - 1 tsp;
  • Ground coriander, Zira - 0.5 h.;
  • Yellow eggs for lubrication.

Traditionally, Vak Balish is preparing with lamb or veal, but you can take any young meat with a fat. The poultry meat is also suitable - goose, ducks or even chicken. Adding roasted fat is mandatory, without it, the filling will not be so juicy. You also need to prepare a saturated meat broth, which will be poured into the filling. If there is no broth, it can be replaced by melted butter, this option is especially good if lean meat is used.


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You need to start cooking from the kneading test, since he needs to get sided so that the gluten flour has time to wake well:

  • Flour to sift into a large bowl, there is a very cold (out of the freezer) butter on the grater; butter;
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  • Throw the flour with oil with hands before the formation of a large crumb;
  • add salt;
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  • In kefir, stir into the soda intensively and pour this mixture into a bowl with flour;
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  • knead the dough, first mix the spoon, then shifting the mass on the table or the board and knead your hands;
  • make a ball from the dough, put a bowl and cover with a towel, leave a minimum of 0.5 hours;
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  • For the filling of Kurdnya fat and meat, very finely chop the knife or use the meat grinder (it will greatly simplify and speed up the process);
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  • cut into a very small cube onions and raw, pre-purified potatoes;
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  • Mix meat with vegetables, salt, add spices and mix;
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  • split the dough on 20 pieces;
  • Take one piece of dough, roll out into a round thin cord;
  • To lay out 2 tbsp. l. filling;
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  • Rimming the edges of the cakes up, fasten them with folds so that the opening remains in the center;
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  • Share the billet on the stuck with parchment, and lubricate the surface with a yolk;
  • Bake 20 minutes by installing the oven thermoregulator per 200 degrees;
  • Then get a baking sheet into the hole of each pie pour 3 tea spoons of broth and send it to the oven for 20 minutes.

Ready Balish Vak can be served with a broth or to tea.

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