Eat, Love, Buy - and another one and a half dozen commandments of modern mother

Eat, Love, Buy - and another one and a half dozen commandments of modern mother 9311_1

Today's Ira Zevulina column was knocked out on two stone plates.

Do not eat red, tonsing in a year, Kupai in manganese, bring yourself in shape, be strong, silent, work - and still the car of strange tips. That is all so much that the young mother is really difficult to understand what to follow. Where is the really necessary information, and where is the folk nonsense?

I decided to take responsibility and separate the bad from the good thing in the manner, which, I am confident, everyone is known to each of you. So meet the commandments, which really should follow the young mother (but it is not for sure).

Foot chocolates quietly and do not expand the wrapper too loud.

Do not remember the cartoons of VSE, if you are not going to turn them on.

To read your father and your mother, for they raised you without diapers and washing and drove to school for 200 kilometers every day.

Chmit day output (if you remember what it is).

Love your neighbor on the playground, for this is the only opportunity to talk to an adult man.

Do not lie to the child (but if about a store that no longer works, then you can).

Buy for the winter the most warm jacket from all possible, because it was said: "Stand you in the playground in the eyelids."

Yes, you do not compare you your child with a child neighbor!

Love your body, for life originated in it, and now chocolate cookies live.

Blessed will be, if you take a spare set of clothes just in case.

Yes, they do not be angry with people sending audio messages, for they do not know what they are doing.

Clean before bedtime from the floor in a children's toy, so as not to step on them at night.

Do not fade, even if Lego Mother stuck in your heel.

Do not believe the waxes from Instagram and their advice, for not everything that has been said in Storsith is truth.

Open your eyes and carry a computer, even if it brought it for 13 times per night.

If the child kissed one cheek, submese the other.

Let your refrigerator be filled with products, the stroller passes through all the ramps, and diapers never end. In the name of the father and mother and their endless resource.


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Eat, Love, Buy - and another one and a half dozen commandments of modern mother 9311_2

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