In the Ivanovo region, guardianship authorities want to remove 7 children from 47-year-old father

In the Ivanovo region, guardianship authorities want to remove 7 children from 47-year-old father 9023_1
Photo: "Ivanovo news" and from the personal archive of Kasatkin

The correspondent of "Ivanovo news" in the organization "Public Committee for the Protection of Childhood, Family and Morality" Cradle "was told about an unusual family, which lives in the territory of the Ivanovo region.

In the "cradle" from the district city of Pestryaki received an appeal from the older child in the family with a request for help. Its essence is that the 47-year-old father one brings up seven children, one of which is in disabilities.

In a conversation with the employees of the Kolyels, Vladimir Krasatkin expressed his fears. He really does not want to contact the organs of social protection, so as not to lose the children. In the "cradle", he was promised support for all available resources and opportunities in legal and social planes. The dream of the whole big family is to move from the apartment to your home, make the farm.

The correspondent of "Ivanovo news" talked with Vladimir Kasatkin, who told the story of his life.

In November 1992, Vladimir met his future first wife's love of Viktorovna. The relationship of young people developed rapidly. Vladimir was among those invited to her birthday on December 13th. He went so fun and smoothly that on February 26, young played a wedding.

Shortly after the wedding, the son of Alexander appeared on the new spouses on October 29, 1993. In 1995, another son was born - Sergey. After that, it turned out that Vladimir fell out of family life for many years. In 2002, another son of Denis was born, in 2005, Julia appeared per light, in 2010 - twins Karina and Kirill, in 2012 - Victoria, in 2015 Christina.

Between the appearance of Victoria and Christina for the Love (Vladimir, with great love and respect, remembers the spouse, this can be judged by intonation with which he utters her name) problems with health.

"She became pregnant in Christina," says Vladimir, "but the doctors said that she was generally forbidden to be pregnant."

The question of childbirth, doctors in front of the spouses put an edge: the life of the mother and the child was on Konou - during childbirth, both feminine and a child could die.

But everything went well. After a joyful event, another, very sad news came: on the examination it turned out that the senior daughter - Yulia - congenital heart disease.

Doctors set up spouses to prepare for the operation, but, as usual, the trouble does not come alone. The wife is diagnosed with cancer on the female part.

Doctors were categorical: she was left for short. For incomprehensible reasons, the bodies of social protection and guardianships were embossed and took the situation in the family under their control. Wheel 2016 year.

Wife got every day worse and worse. Vladimir went with Yulia to Moscow to the Institute. A.N. Bakulev to surgery. The operation itself was made by quota, but required money for accommodation.

To somehow survive, Vladimir sold everything that could be in the house. According to Vladimir, in the hospital everything was paid: "Even cotton will not be allowed so, all the procedures on a fee basis," he states.

The spouse at that time was forced to contact the administration of the Pestrayers for help. She was advised to put urns to collect donations in shopping and other points of the city.

In February 2017, Vladimir with Yulia returned home after a successful operation and restoration in his native city.

"My wife waited for me," he recalls, "in February I returned - in March she died."

After an avenue amount of time, a large father met his second wife - Anastasia Sergeyevna. Family life began to be improved, however, like life. To cope with the concerns and raising children has become easier. "My kids to Anastasia got used to and began to call her mom," Vladimir is divided by the memories.

See you with Vladimir, Anastasia Sergeyevna had their own two children. "I treated them as my own," he says. "If she accepted me with my children, then I accepted her children, and we stopped even distinguishing where, whose children." We became a single family, we were all good. " Milan's daughter was born in the Kasatnaya family on May 31, and the wedding was played in April 2020.

In June of the same year, the spouses went fishing into the soot on the motoblock and got into an accident. The newborn daughter was left with the eldest son, he was shown and told how to feed the newborn sister.

Vladimir seemed to anticipate that something bad would happen, but he was still persuading for a trip. A terrible autoavaria happened on the vehicles between the Mate and the Pestriol. Volkswagen Polo crashed into the motoblock. Anastasia Sergeyevna died from injuries to the Shuisian CRH.

Vladimir after another life tragedy, as he says, hands down his hands: "Only everything was improved, and here, you understand?".

Very quickly accumulated debts for utility payments - the amount approached 100 thousand rubles. Family revenues allow you to pay except electricity.

Casatkin turned on this issue with explanations in various instances, but for one light he has to pay 10 thousand rubles. It is such receipts with the accounts to him send a local resource-supplying organization.

At the local administration, Vladimir requests him to change him the usual counter to the two-tariff, so that there was an opportunity to at least save on the night washing of linen, but his requests do not make officials - they disappear.

He was answered that he could change the electric meter, but only in his own account.

"I explained to officials that I am a large father who raises seven children, but they are still only bred by their hands. Is it really impossible to help something, because there are simply no such as me in the city. Could make an exception! " - Our interlocutor complains.

So many electricity family spends, because for the wash is worth a boiler for 100 liters.

Previously, Vladimir had periods when he worked, and worked - there was a car on which he could communicate children to various, including cultural, events when the wife were alive.

Once a month by Kasatkin, there is a free visit to the theater, but officials put before the fact: travel for a personal account. "We will provide tickets to you, and there you want, as you like," there was a response from social protection.

I came to the Kasatnaya and the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child in the Ivanovo Region Tatiana Oceanskaya: "She, of course, did not help us to arrange all the points on" I "," says Vladimir, "but help with the provision of a private house in exchange for a four-room apartment in which we We live, the ombudsman has no such opportunity yet. "

However, the proposal, let's say justice for the sake of, after all, it was: they were offered the land and forest: "Stroke, I was told," says the interlocutor, - that's just where I will find you work? "

A large father is ready, even dreams to move to permanent residence in the village: "I will reconcile cattle, I'll do cows, my son is a healthy eighteen, help will help! We would put potatoes, carrots. You look at prices. I will be happy to buy potatoes for 30 rubles, but where to find it? "," He wonders the question and continues:

"In the usual family, the soup is boiled in a three-liter saucepan and the chicken is divided into four parts, and I cook it almost entirely!"

Vladimir tries to buy children all the best and wear no worse than others. For example, for sneakers for children, he rides Kokhma. There, their cost varies from 700 rubles to 1100.

As for family spending, only 54 rubles goes to one child per day to visit the group of extended day. In a large family, three children attend school at present.

Recently, the quantifier has occurred another family tragedy: the mother-in-law died, the mother of the first wife. Vladimir was very exhausted and tired, and at this time the guardianship bodies came to their house. In this regard, the question arose about the deprivation of Kasatkin Parental Rights. They also want to record as a dysfunctional family.

Officials were advised by Vladimir to build a private house to take a mortgage. He answered them on this: if he misses at least one payment, he was put on the street along with children. "I am them, officials, I ask:" So will it be? " They answer me: "Yes!", "The father of the family argues and continues:" Why do I need a mortgage, if the house is relying me? Officials considered the metrar of my apartment and it turned out that we had 11 meters of housing for each family member. Therefore, the house, as it turned out, is no longer relying. "

Vladimir is very grateful to everyone who came and helped them, even if a kind word. "Thank you for paying attention to our family, where a large father one brings up seven kids," asked to transfer Vladimir the words of gratitude to all unsuccessful through the correspondent of "Ivanovo news".

Vladimir says that the guardianship bodies came to them in the house exactly after the funeral. He was depressed grief, but alcohol did not use. However, guardianship authorities adhere to another point of view and, according to Kasatkin, they want to deprive his parental rights.

Children at Casatkin are dressed, shit, all clean. The apartment has repairs. However, someone wants to exhibit Vladimir from the non-resident side.

For example, we note - after the arrival of the children's ombudsman, children were given the opportunity to engage in various sports.

As for the income, the budget of the Kasatnaya family consists of benefits and amounts to 84 thousand rubles (about 25 thousand, they are paid to Vladimir, they are included in these 84 thousand). Of these, Milan must buy a box of diapers - this is already 2 thousand rubles. They need hairpins, handles to school and so on, and so on, "Kasatkin said to us.

People who were not in the apartment in a large family probably make up the impression that children will overgrow mud. There is no such speech in our case.

If someone wants to say good words to the Kashatnaya family, here is the number of Vladimir: + 7-963-152-84-09 (a bank card is also tied to it).

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