Do you think to connect the acquiring in another bank without opening an account is impossible? It is a myth. Debunk myths about acquiring


    It seems that if the calculated account is open in one bank, you can use the services of only this bank. This is not true.

    We know that some entrepreneurs refuse cheap acquiring, because they have no account in this bank. It seems to them that for the acquiring will ask to open the score, make it take to buy the terminal. And then you need to spend time to meet with all managers. In short, solid problems!

    But it only seems. Let's look through three myth about the acquiring to understand how to connect it and how much it costs.

    It seems: "If another bank offers a low rate, simply to place the acquiring will not work. Come to open a settlement account - you have to pay for it. And some banks work only with their terminals - again spending. "

    In fact, there are banks in which you can connect the acquiring without opening a calculated account. It works like this: the bank-accuard accepts payment, charges the commission and transfers the money to your account in that bank, where you have the calculated account.

    Do you think to connect the acquiring in another bank without opening an account is impossible? It is a myth. Debunk myths about acquiring 8924_1

    Money is automatically sent to the account in another bank for one working day

    Some banks even connect acquiring to their own entrepreneurs. For example, this is done in Delobank: you send your terminal to specialists through mail or courier, they set up the device and return. Delivery and SIM card pays the bank, and the configuration itself is free.

    It seems: "From each operation hold 3-4%, it also takes money for monthly service. Too expensive".

    Actually: Today, acquiring is cheaper than 2-3 years ago. On average, with each payment of your client, the bank holds 2.5%, but there are also lower rates - for example, 2% and lower in Delobank. You do not need to pay for the connection and operation of the acquiring - the service is free.

    Do you think to connect the acquiring in another bank without opening an account is impossible? It is a myth. Debunk myths about acquiring 8924_2

    If the bank establishes an additional fee for acquiring, it is better to abandon its services

    The only major waste is the equipment. If you have never used the terminals, you will have to buy it or rent it. Modern device with built-in online cash register and support for Google Pay and Apple Pay costs 17-20 thousand rubles. If the online box is not needed, you can buy a terminal for 2-3 thousand rubles.

    It seems: "A lot of problems: First you need to go to the bank to sign the documents, then wait for the delivery of the terminal, then set it up in the office. Everything takes three to four weeks. "

    In fact, the banks go to the remote acquiring connection. Just leave an online application on the site, an employee by telephone clarifies the details and sends a technical specialist to your office.

    Do you think to connect the acquiring in another bank without opening an account is impossible? It is a myth. Debunk myths about acquiring 8924_3

    If you need consultation, experts will consult by telephone or online chat

    Some went further and made a completely remote setting. For example, in Delobank, specialists set up the equipment in their office, send it by mail, and then give a detailed and understandable connection instructions. If difficulties occur, support on telephone or video links.

    Here is the most important thing:

    • Unified bet for all - 2%. Lower than the average in the banking market.

    • No hidden conditions. Connect the acquiring, even if you use a bill in another bank - you do not need to open new bills.

    • If you still open an account in Delobank, reduce the acquiring rate to 1.9% on the Tariff Delproo or up to 1.7% on the flow rate.

    • Connecting acquiring and setting the terminal - remotely. All expenses will take over.

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