Are there anyone, who is he, the blond people of the Leningrad region?


The water belongs to the most small modern Finno-Ugric peoples. Today, about 60 representatives of this ethnos live in Russia. Almost all of them live in the villages of the Leningrad region at the Gulf of Finland.

The water is not called the most blond people of the country. They, like their distant ancestors, remain custodians of old customs and unique culture. Unfortunately, today the priests that could speak freely in their native language, there are few. What kind of people are it? How was his story? And if the future has guesters?

Features of the people

The first mention of the farms are found in the charter of Yaroslav Wise, which date the XI century. According to historians, the appearance of the name "water" in the ancient Russian sources may have a connection with the Baltic language, in which the naming is translated as "Wedge".

What can it mean? Alas, this is one of the unsolved secrets of the guanes. The representatives of the people themselves call themselves "Waddy". I want to note that the Wasky language itself is to this day a lot of difficulties for studying.

The reason is obvious - no more than a dozen people speak on it freely. However, in universities and schools of the region for representatives of the ethnos, the possibilities of studying the native language are opened, and therefore it remains to believe that the Water Instant will not replenish the list of disappeared dialects.

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From the Museum of Water Culture in Pudges / Photo: Yuri Goldensentein /

The most beautiful

Since the water belongs to the Baltic-Finnish peoples, they inherited noticeable ethnic traits from their ancestors. So, for example, representatives of the ethnos are called the most blond in Russia, and this is no accident.

Among the priests are commonly bright type. In childhood, their hair resemble a shining blond, and over time, the shade of ash acquire.

Perhaps it was this distinctive feature that gave rise to stories about the beauty of water women. Historian Tumansky, Finnish Researcher Portan after a trip to the Leningrad Region wrote that the representatives of the people are distinguished by an incredible beauty.

In the works of Researcher Fedor Tumansky, you can read the following:

"Women Chyuds are all beautiful, have a cheerful, pleasant and tempting look, quick eyes, big blue ...".

As you can see, there is a comparison of the wind and odds, neighboring nations who are attributed to the relationship, and sometimes they were called a single ethnic.

Studying the history of the priests for a long time caused disputes in academic circles. It was originally believed that the people came to their current land from the territory of Estonia about the II millennium of our era. However, not so long ago it was possible to establish that this hypothesis was erroneous. The lands of the modern Leningrad region from ancient times were the birthplace of tribes.

Archaeological excavations prove that the settlements of people in these territories existed already in the first century to our era. The ancestors were left behind the burial, ceramic products, household items, weapons and decorations. They demonstrate a high level of development and existence of ancient culture in these lands.

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Water women in national clothes

Information about the driver

As it is easy to guess, there are completely few historical information about the small peoples, but these scant data allow you to recreate the picture of the life of the tribes in past times. The main occupations were animal husbandry, agriculture, all kinds of crafts, in particular pottery, wood processing and metal. Narva and Luga intercourse is considered the origin of the people of the people.

In written sources, the water is first mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicles of 1069. The text is noted that the water participated in the campaign of Prince Veslav Polotsk to Novgorod, but the army was broken by Tmutarakan prince Gleb. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the fact of speeches is to be repeated in history repeatedly.

The most logical explanation for him: Novgorod princes sought to put the people of the tribute, but the freedom-loving disorders did not want to endure the power of Russians. However, the situation has changed dramatically in just 80 years after an unsuccessful military campaign of Veslav.

In 1149, Yami tribes (and so in the chronicles, the northern Scandinavian ethnic groups were called) make an attack on Water lands. What do you think, who provides support to the enemy's attack reflection? Novgorod. Historians this change in the relations of peoples are associated with the transition to the Power of Novgorod. It is worth noting that the position of Vassal was beneficial not only by the princes, but also to representatives of the Water People.

Once in subordination and under the auspices of Novgorod, the farmen could protect their territories from the invasion of the militant neighbors. This brightly demonstrates the situation with Emi attack, which was successfully reflected. It is difficult to say how the history of the priests would have happened if they were not enlisted by the support of Novgorod.

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Woven Markina MartinTiter. Catyla (boilers), Inker, Russia, 1914 / © Väisänen A. O. /

Eternal trials

A serious blow to the people was the famine of 1215. In the chronicles, it is described that a significant part of the tribes extinct, and the survivors were forced to look for a better life in other regions. This was the beginning of the resettlement of the fact that, alas, had negative consequences for the very ethnos, because the result was the assimilation of the priests that were dissolved among other peoples.

Culture has undergone significant transformations after the adoption of Christianity. Historian N.V. Shvygin in his works notes that it was the adoption of Orthodoxy who strengthened the power of Novgorod over the water lands.

These processes led to the merger to the Slavic and Izhora population. In the future, the people had to suffer from the domination of the Livonian knights, which a significant part of the weather was taken to Bausk (today it is the territory of Latvia).

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Map of Wask, Finnish and Izhora villages, 1848-2007. / © koryakov yuri /

At a very time, the times had to face trials and difficulties, desperately fight for existence. But does this people really disappear? This is the most different forecasts, but the authorities of the region implemented a program to save water culture, a unique language. The water always considered themselves Russians, and therefore it is very important to keep this part of the heritage of Russia.

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