5 reasons to start the house oxalis (acids)


Oxalis is a houseplant that rarely causes the interest of flower water. And completely in vain. In compliance with the minimum requirements for the care, it is possible to obtain not only a spectacular and attractive, but also a beneficial plant. There are 5 good reasons why it is worth decorating oxalis homemade balcony or windowsill.

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Spectacular appearance

The first thing that attracts the flow of the flower to oxalis is its spectacular, original appearance. There are many sorts of acids, each of which is different in the form and size of the leaves, as well as their color. One of the most popular is a variety with unusual leaves and a saturated purple-purple color.

They instantly attract attention to themselves and become a bright accent of the interior of any room. It looks very effectively oxalis during the flowering period, when cute snow-white or cream flowers appear between colorful purple leaves.

Easy care

One of the advantages of oxalis is simplicity and unpretentious care. This plant grows perfectly in a city apartment. It requires the average air temperature of about + 18 ° C, it is undemanding to air humidity and sunlight.

The plant does not need frequent irrigation. Summer Oxalis is moisturized as the soil drying in a flower pot, the watering is completely stopped in winter. Kislitsa need to transplanted no more than 3-4 years.

From time to time, the acids can be picked up by complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, but it grows perfectly without additional feeding. In a strong summer heat, it is possible to spray oxalis leaves with a pulverizer - it will saturate their moisture and retain decorative attractiveness.

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Eating food

An interesting fact - oxalis leaves are suitable for food. They not only have a pleasant taste, but also very useful for health. The composition of the leaves includes a complex of vitamins, micro and macroelements, organic acids and flavonoids.

Oxalis leaves can be dried, grind to powder condition and use as spices. They give dishes saturated flavor and pleasant, light sourness. In the fresh form they are added to soups, salads, stew and even confectionery and pastries.

Folk signs

According to the folk signs, Oxalis will bring only positive changes to the house - happiness, mutual understanding and wealth. It has long been a house plant gave new seals for a happy and quiet life in a new place. It protects the family from conflicts and quarrels, "taking" the whole negative.

Household application

Oxalis found application and in the household. He is an excellent stain remover and leaves divorce on clothes. Also, acidic leaves will help get rid of spots on their hands after working in the garden or in the garden. To do this, it is enough to be confused in the palms of several leaves.

Oxalis is an unusual indoor plant, which is characterized by inconspicuous in care and unusual, spectacular appearance. When complying with simple rules of cultivation, it will become a bright decoration of any interior.

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