12 rules of our parents who today cause only bewilderment


20-30 years ago, our parents did not have access to literature on the education of children and online seminars of teachers and psychologists. Children were brought up intuitively, often with a support for the methods of upbringing their own parents. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that many values ​​that parents were considered unshakable, in fact they were not, and now cause grown children if not disappointing, then bewilderment for sure.

We in adme.ru remembered childhood and amounted to a list of values ​​that parents persistently vaccinated, and, as it turned out, in vain.

1. Higher education - status indicator

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© Pixabay / PEXELS

"Without the institute, you do not find a good job!" - Who did not hear such in adolescence? Many of us believed in this "truth" and now do not even remember where their diploma is lying. More than 40% of graduates of higher educational institutions work in positions that do not require higher education: now employers are much more interested in practical skills of employees than in their qualifications. Graduates can be taken pause after graduation - to get together with thoughts, decide on further actions and understand whether the higher education is really necessary.

2. Fullness - a guarantee of health

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Well done was that child who left nothing on a plate after dinner. Fullness was considered a sign of health. But the incorrectly formed eating habits in adulthood are often responding with excess weight and disorders of food behavior.

3. Mugs and sections are useful for development and expand the horizons. Than them are more, the better

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An unnecessary schedule can overwork the child, which certainly does not contribute to the expansion of the horizon. The famous American teacher Douglas Huddad advises parents to slow down and give children time to reveal their talents themselves, and only then define with the direction of additional education.

4. "Guys, let's live together!"

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© Adventures Cat Leopold / Creative Association "Screen"

This famous phrase of a multiplication hero from childhood has never been doubted and was perhaps one of the most frequently pronounced to the surrounding carappow. But it is worth take into account what Leopold Cat, despite the widespread citation, cannot be the truth in the last instance. It is more correct to say: "Conflict, guys, but with the mind."

5. not in money happiness

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I would very much like it was that it was, but life dictates its conditions: money can make a person happier, whatever told us in childhood. Parents are important from small years to teach children financial literacy. This will help them form the right habits in the money management and achieve financial success in adulthood.

6. Younger Children - Senior Responsibility

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Often a large share of the care of the younger children shifted on the shoulders of the elders. Parents worked, and sometimes sometimes could not be. Few people liked it from the "Nyanka", because I had to sacrifice games with friends and hobbies for the sake of the needs of younger sisters and brothers. Psychologists say that sometimes the fulfillment of children's roles in childhood may entail psychological problems in adulthood: categorical reluctance to have their own children or relations with a partner built in the image of the usual care for younger.

7. Woman - Custodian of the hearth, and a man - a minider

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© Cottonbro / Pexels

In recent decades, gender roles have lost their relevance. Women with great success are building a career, and men are sitting on maternity leave or are engaged in household.

8. A woman is ashamed not to be able to needle how to do a man - not to know how to put the stool

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© Depositphotos.com.

Not for all labor lessons at school were helpful. Someone did not have learned to work on a sewing machine and failed to comprehend all the wisdom of work with a jigsaw and a soldering iron. "Not given" or "Hands Curves" - no matter. But, as it turned out, there is nothing terrible in this: any work requiring special skills can now perform high-class specialists.

9. There is no greater shame for a woman than to give birth to a child without a husband

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And again - by. Currently, a single mother does not surprise anyone and no longer causes that condemnation that 30 years ago. Often the birth of a child without a husband is a conscious woman's step. Moreover, over the past 30 years, the number of single fathers has grown more than 1.5 times.

10. "What is it for calf tenderness?!"

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Why was it before it was believed that the manifestations of feelings, such as hugs or sincere praise, can be worn away, to spawn a child. Already, more than one generation of adults reaps the fruit of the absence of an expression of tenderness in his address: parents who have not received enough love cannot give it to their children.

11. Excessive thrift

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During the time of total deficit and lack of money, the children demanded a careful attitude towards their clothes - it was customary to share it at the "parade" and "homework" (the latter was usually represented by the things that were from older sisters and brothers). Embrances were expressed in the inviolability of tea sets that were in the servant, and the boxes of candies, which in July could not be touched ("This for the New Year"). Today there is no need for excessive savings: the necessary household items can be purchased, having even the most modest budget.

12. Children in cabbage find

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Some topics were not subject to discussion - to the question where they came from, the children were taken to answer that they were found in the cabbage or a stork brought them. The first experience of the relationship of young people often received "blindly": without having sufficient knowledge of their body, they relied on the advice of more "enlightened" friends and fragmentary information from books and films. All this could lead to deplorable results - problems with health and psyche.

And what rules from your childhood lost their importance for you when you grew up?

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