Credit with increased anxiety and stress help four substances


To reduce your concern and stress, in the diet, it is necessary to include more products containing nutrients such as magnesium, choline, L-Theanine and probiotics

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The edition of food and life Food News informs its readers that a number of substances help to effectively cope with increased anxiety and are optimal options to support mental health, its experts propose to pay attention to the following four components: magnesium, choline, L-toine and probiotics.

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The publication says that if recently a person is constantly experiencing stress or fatigue, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The reason for this may be a lack of magnesium. Magnesium helps to suppress the production of cortisol, the so-called stress hormone. Moreover, magnesium has the ability to overcome the blood-brain barrier, due to which the brain overflow is prevented by stress hormones.

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The main food sources of mineral are: green leafy vegetables (salads, spinach), sea cabbage; avocado; Fruits and berries (bananas, dates, prunes, persimmon); cocoa powder, chocolate; nuts (cashews, cedar, almonds, peanuts); Sunflower seeds, sesame, halva; Cereals and beans (buckwheat, nut, barley, oats); Wholegrain bread, bran (wheat, oat).

Another element that helps to fight stress is choline. Choline is considered fat-soluble vitamin, and its drawback is associated with higher levels of concern and anxiety. According to scientists, this may be due to the fact that choline is essential for the production of acetylcholine substance, which is a chemical intermediary regulating the body's response to stress.

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The main food sources of choline are eggs, liver, lean meat, fish, soybeans, oatmeal, cauliflower, spinach, white cabbage, peanuts. Holine is an integral part of lecithin.

Theenine is the L-amino acid contained in tea, as well as in the fruits of the Polish mushroom and the leaves of Guayus. The substance is a natural antidepressant, as well as a stimulator of brain activity, not causing addiction, lethargy. L-Theenine can be used as a dietary supplement to people in constant mental tension. L-Theanine is a substance of natural origin, it cannot be obtained from food and it is not synthesized from other enzymes of the body. Thanks to the action of L-theean on the body, more components produced to develop a sense of calm. Laming.

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According to experts, another component, which is necessarily present in the human body are probiotics. Studies have shown that the human brain and intestines are inextricably linked. At a time when the intestine is in a state of bacterial imbalance associated with incorrect power, it sends impulses into the brain, encouraging it to develop chemicals, which are useable to cause psycho-emotional center disorders.

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Probiotics, being useful microbes, contribute to the restoration of the balance in the intestine. Probiotics are contained in fermented products - for example, in natural yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, fermented milk products or simple dairy products, which are specially enriched with different types of beneficial bacteria.

Previously, the "Central News Service" said that the doctor and TV presenter Alexander Butchers called a number of products, which should be refused.

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