How in Russia hunted with falcons

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The image of Sokol, as the symbol of Russia, came to us from ancient times. The attacking feathers appears on state seals and perrsens of the princes Rurikovich, on the coins of their era. And even the word "Rurik", one of the versions, is "falcon".

Despite this, saying exactly when the tradition of a falcon hunt appeared in Russia, it is impossible. However, it is known that by the time of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, the hunting with birds was not only known, but also widespread, very popular among the nobility.

The first written mentions belong to the 11th century of our era, but some archaeological excavations indicate that this tradition originated much earlier. Slavic tribes could take her from Khazar nomads, Scandinavians or Byzantine rulers.

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An interesting fact: the casualties of the birds of Russian princes were very highly valued by the rulers of other countries. White Kuntche was considered as an honorable gift that even if the bird for some reason was death on the road, the ambassadors still considered their duty to hand the wings to the foreigner and the head of the pennate. The falcons were also part of Dani Golden Horde: one winged was compared at the price with three abrupt horses.

Falcon hunting was always expensive, mostly princely fun. It is not surprising, because she demanded tremendous costs: the bird was required to catch, which was not so easy, then go with her long-term training. Professionals were engaged in this: pans and sokolniki, the craft of which was considered very honorable.

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Ordinary emptore
How in Russia hunted with falcons 8540_4
Greets on the tree

Some princes were fond of falcon hunting to the detriment of their direct duties of rulers. But Novgorod, on the contrary, made fishing, training and selling predatory birds by one of the important crafts along with the fur.

Novgorod, and later, Moscow's drapets yes, hawks were in great demand both in the east and in Western countries. Many wanted to find out the place of catching these birds. But these areas, like the paths for which Sokolniki, carried their valuable prey to the capital, were a state secret.

Now you can reveal it: the birds were caught in Siberia, in the Urals, on the coast of the White Sea and in Zavolzh.

The greatest flourishing tradition of Sokoli hunt reached during the reign of Alexei Tishet. In Moscow and Moscow region, in Tsarist Sokolniki contained more than three thousand birds of prey!

The king loved his birds so much, which even wrote about the Book of the Sokolniki path for them. " The observations contained there and recommendations for taking and the literate content of predatory birds did not lose their relevance even today.

Son Alexey Mikhailovich, Peter the first, Father's addiction to a falcon hunt did not share. He has reduced the number of Sokolnichi several times, sent their sons to military service. The art of Sokolnichii has always been transmitted orally, the knowledge was lost and the oldest "Bird of fun" never acquired anymore.

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