Belavia launches first aircraft Minsk - Dubai

Belavia launches first aircraft Minsk - Dubai 8504_1
Belavia launches first aircraft Minsk - Dubai 8504_2

Today, the first regular aircraft to Dubai will go from Minsk National Airport. To such discovery of Belavia prepared for more than seven years. From Minsk to Dubai today at 16:15 more than 170 passengers fly out.

CEO of Belavia, Igor Cignets, calls the opening of a new flight with a real event for the airline in a pandemic.

"We walked for a long time for the opening of this flight - performed charter flights for seven-eight years," he said.

According to Igor Cherginz, the first attempts to launch such a route were unsuccessful, because there was no powerful aircraft - the flight occupies six hours. Today there is such an opportunity - Boeing 737-800 aircraft will fly without transfers. Loading the first aircraft Minsk - Dubai is practically 100% - only a few places in the business class are not redeemed.

"We can safely say that today we are sending a full plane to Dubai," said Belavia CEO. Back from Dubai to Minsk will fly 60 passengers.

From the end of March, the carrier plans to perform three flights a week, and from May to September there will be only two of them, because in this season in the Emirates too hot, the demand is not so high.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus recalled that since January 16, citizens of Belarus and the UAE can be in each other's countries to 90 days without a visa. Before that, the visa had to pay 60 euros.

Airplane Minsk - Dubai flies today at 16:15, passengers are already registered. The first passenger of the newly minted flight is Dmitry Kren, a military designer. He flies in the UAE in a weekly business trip. He says that he first planned to drive with transfers, but turned out to be a surprise.

Director of the National Airport Vyacheslav Khoroneco met Dmitry at the reception and made him a gift.

By the way, recently, Belavia has spent the sale of tickets at a discount. Announced that a ticket to Dubai can be bought from 92 euros one way, not counting the fees and fees. Both sides - from 123 euros.

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