Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat

Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat 8304_1

Why it is important to talk about the behavior of Lewis Carroll with his "friends-friends"

On January 27, 1832, Charles Lutviode Dodzhson, famous for the whole world under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll.

He was a mathematician, Professor Oxford, philosopher, deacon, photographer. And the author of the legendary books about Alice in Wonderland and Alice in the Zasitoricale - the story of the girl who failed in the Rabbit Nora was published in 1864 and since then it is printed by millions of circulations in different languages.

The main part of the fairy tale about Alice, as it is believed, appeared on July 4, 1862 during a walk. On that day, Carroll walked along with his friend, the philologist and vice-chancellor of Oxford University Henry Liddell and three of his daughters - the youngest at that time was 8 years old, the oldest one - 13. To entertain girls, the writer right on the go began to compose stories about The adventures of Alice (so called the middle daughter of Liddell). These were scattered episodes, which then formed the basis of the first book about the transformation of the heroine in Wonderland.

Many researchers believe that the fact that the book was collected in writing, and not remained in such fragmented oral stories - the real miracle. In 1864, Carroll, by the way, gave a manuscript for the memory of that Alice. And she, in turn, being in the need after the death of her husband, in the 1920s sold a manuscript at auction.

"Alice in Wonderland" is definitely a breakthrough in children's literature.

Assembly, traditionally inherent in this genre, was ridiched here. The action was exciting and impossible to predict who from the bizarre Heroes Alice will meet in their path - a crazy hat, santa-bold, Cheshire cat.

The book absurdity still allows you to interpret it in almost any key - and as a rethinking of the History of England, and as the use of psychotropic substances, and as an encyclopedia of neurosis (by the way, in honor of Alice, one psyche disorder is really named, associated with changing the perception of the form of his own body) .

Or as a sublimation of copyrighted to young girls - all the numerous Child Friends, which he tried to surround himself throughout his life, like the famous king of pop music in his "Neverland".

"In the most beautiful clothes from all possible"

Yes, some of these girls Carolla, rather, were already adolescence. But nevertheless, he liked to spend time almost exclusively in the society of these young people, he gladly told them history, he photographed them a lot.

Archives have survived about 3,000 photos - not such a great achievement for a modern person with a smartphone, but rather large - for a gentleman born in 1832. Someone considers that all this was a long time ago - to prove Carroll's pedophilia today is really impossible, but to build an evidence base only in photos of naked girls - a shaky undertaking (some of the pictures, even presented as an evidence in this film BBC, turned out to be in the end authorship of another photographer).

Someone continues to insist that the girls were no longer quite small, so there was no terrible crime in his desire to be with them. All that we know - that Carroll during walks around the parks often spoke with his parents from families with daughters, then I got some rebuses for children from my portfolio, and to produce a completely powerful impression - at the end of this "resin-current" Stretched the children a gift copy about Alice. And then continued to correspondence with the parents of girls. And asked if he could take a picture of children "in the most beautiful clothes from all possible" - that is naked.

The defenders of the writer and here can say - it was another time, the images of naked children were considered innocent, was replicated in the press and on postcards, there was nothing token in the practice of Carroll. But to read modern eyes such a request to the parents of the "Girl-friend" is still quite wild.

Carroll died in 1898, he was 65 years old, he remained a bachelor. We are separated from his life more than one hundred and twenty years, and many details of his biography, most likely, will never be clarified. We are unlikely to find out why at some point the parents of Alice Liddle banned the author to visit their home (according to one of the versions, he really did an eleven-year-old Alice offer, but this version is not confirmed by some diary records). We will never know for sure what the verge of the ethics Carroll crossed and what actually happened while he did the very photos.

For someone all these indirect evidence, it will be enough to say: I will never read the "Alice in Wonderland" or "Alice in the Watercald" to his children. But it may be similar to the fight against windmills, the book has already been so dissolved in a popular culture that knowledge about it cannot be stopped by a similar filter. Resistance is futile. Alice, together with Cheshire Cat, is constantly quoted, references to the book are found in a fashionable photo with Natalia Vodyanova, and who did not have insane tea drinking and the desire to note the "bowl"?

Why is it important?

But no matter how hard it is to talk about the very strange behavior of Carroll with children, we believe in what we need to talk about such things. Not because we want it to his birthday carefully in the coffin.

If you believe researchers, sexual attraction to children is experiencing about one percent of the adult male population of the Earth. Unfortunately, this "feature" cannot be recoded, it can only be monitored. And while we are as a society, we will not take taboos from this topic and do not find some special program to help these people do not become real criminals, we will not be able to be confident in the safety of our children.

Yes, in our power to teach their daughters and sons "Rules of underwear" (by the way, the impetus for the development of this program received just after the business of the famous British leading Jimmy Savil - already after his death it turned out that he bowed to the actions of sexual character more than a hundred children ). We can teach children to competently call their genitals, not to use euphemisms that no one will understand. We can believe our children when they say that the behavior of some adult is straining them, even if this adult, as in the case of Carroll, respectable Professor Oxford.

According to statistics, these measures can already save children from sexual violence - but an adult can still be stronger. Therefore, a preventive mechanism must appear in society, which will stop terrible. Cheshire cat will not dissolve in the air itself, if we just think about it.

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Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat 8304_2
Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat 8304_3
Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat 8304_4
Leaving the castorical, or smile without a cat 8304_5

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