Former drug addict, survived 19 overdose, was transformed after victory over addiction

Former drug addict, survived 19 overdose, was transformed after victory over addiction 7928_1

Former drug addict who used to crack and heroin from 15 years old and survived 19 overdose, told about its incredible transformation.

Madison Macmanus from New Jersey from adolescent age began to take strong drugs with her boyfriend. The girl lived on the street for many years before she managed to get rid of dependence.

Now Madison is fighting to return the custody of his nine-year-old daughter. She was forced to abandon her due to drug addiction.

Macmanus defeated the addiction with the help of a group of anonymous alcoholics. She wanted to tell her story to prove that there is always a "output."

Former drug addict, survived 19 overdose, was transformed after victory over addiction 7928_2
Madison to victory over addiction

"I lived life, complete suffering, and every time he slept, prayed not to wake up. I thought for a long time that I would never get out of this pit, "the woman said.

"I went through my first rehabilitation aged 15 years. When I was 18, I spent 9 months in the string when I was pregnant with my daughter, which is now nine. Then it was the longest period of sobriety. "

Madison spent six years in the street and, according to her, reached the "bottom" when the harmful habit was completely subordinate her life. Another arrest finally helped a woman understand that she should try to return control over his own life.

"I just couldn't stop using. "She recalls - at that time I had no family nor friends, nor a single soul, I was completely alone."

"The disease kept me in his vice for 6 years, holding in captivity. I was so ashamed and sorry that I lost my daughter, family and myself. "

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Madison after 3 years of sobriety

Madison also arrested several times for theft in stores and storage of drugs. Being in prison, she decided that he was "finished" with drugs, and decided to try to rehabilitate.

"I went through a 30-day program in the south of Jersey, then I wanted to continue treatment and went to the clinic for four months. This work began when I got my own apartment in South Jersey after all my rehabilitation programs. "

Then the natives returned to her life. She is fully supported by parents, sister and friends. Now Madison is working on returning his daughter.

"It was such an enlightening feeling when I saw the problem, I realized that I would not change anything until I could change myself. Today I have the inner world and calm, which is impossible to describe in words, "says a woman.

Madison first told her story on the page "Drug Addict's Diary" on Facebook, where I shared photos of her transformation from a desperate drug addict in a beautiful woman.

"This life is short. It is designed to live, not exist, stuck in the disease. "

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