120 years ago Rudolf Karachol was born


120 years ago Rudolf Karachol was born 7836_1

On January 30, the motor consporting world celebrates the 120th anniversary of Rudolf Karachchol, which is considered the most successful rider of the pre-war period. Speaking for the factory team Mercedes, he became champion in Europe three times - precisely on the basis of the championship of the continent later, already at the beginning of the 50s, formula 1 was created.

Karacholol was born in Germany in the family of the hotel owner, which should have been able to predetermine his future career, but in childhood it was awakening in the car and motorcycles. In the races, he debuted at the age of 21, immediately taking the 4th place. In parallel, Rudolph performed in motorcycle competition competitions, and is also quite successful.

In 1926, he won his first victory in the German Grand Prix at the famous Berlin Avus highway, and in the rain, won a racer reputation that can piloting in any conditions. This success brought him wide fame, although at the international level Karachchol really showed himself only in three years, winning the race in Northern Ireland under the rain, and won the Grand Prix of Monaco.

In 1931, he became the first foreigner who won the most complicated Italian race Mille Miglia, after which he signed a contract with the Alfa Romeo team (which, by the way, did not learn anyone else like Enzo Ferrari). On her Karacholol cars won on many tracks, including in Nürburring, where in those years the Grand Prix was held.

In 1933, he fell into a serious accident on a street highway in Monaco, and recovery after injuries took several months, but the consequences of the incident were affected by the end of his days. After severe injuries and related operations, his right foot was for five centimeters shorter than left, so during the war years it is recognized as disabled.

In 1935, Karachchol first became the champion of Europe, again speaking for the factory team Mercedes. He then repeated this success in 1937 and 1938.

In the period of World War II, no competitions were conducted, and after her graduation, German riders were forbidden to perform at the international level, so Karachchol decided to adopt Swiss citizenship. However, he did not achieve special success in these years, although he again participated in Mille Miglia and even in the Monte Carlo rally. The career in the motorhorsport of Karachchol completed in 1952, and the seven years left later as a result of severe illness - he was only 58 years old.

Along with Tazio Nuvolary and Bernd, Karachol Roseager is among the best European pre-war races. He was considered a perfectionist who practically did not allow mistakes, thanks to which the accident fell quite rarely. A collection of racing trophies mined by Karracoli is stored in Indianapolis in the Museum of Motorsport Glory, and a monument was established in his hometown to the century of his hometown, a monument was established. In addition, one of the most famous turns of Nurverbing North Loop carries his name - Caracciola Karussel.

Source: Formula 1 on F1news.ru

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