About food

About food 7782_1

Well laughs one who Polina ...

Little child and food - most parents have something to tell. The emotions that are experiencing mothers and dads of babies when it comes to feed the child, can be the most different: from deep despair (what to feed it ??) to crazy joy (he began to eat broccoli (!!). Everything passes, Children grow, problems are forgotten. And we are surprised to remember how many strengths and nerves spent that the little person is fed and satisfied. Lyudmila Yagubyanz, Mom Girls Polina, tells about it with humor, self-irony and huge love. post joking But I think, many will learn in the acting persons themselves and their children.

Well laughs one who Polina. For almost two weeks, she got used to us, after which the manifesto was announced, the support abstract of which included four points:

1. Little girls know how to scream very loudly.

2. A decent food has a shape and dense consistency, you can take it in your hand and bite off, therefore, the puree and the soup to a decent relationship do not have a relationship.

3. Take food, being fastened belts in a high chair, humiliating. A comfortable and relaxed atmosphere is needed.

4. Spoon The essence of the enslave tool and totalitarian regime should be expelled from our life forever.

It looks now like that - we sit down, Polina climbs the sofa for the best point of the review, hanging on the back of the sofa hangs down his head to our plates, les out something from there, peels off the sofa, runs away to a safe distance, tries, makes a couple more circles On the room and climbs the sofa back. And if everything proposed in a spoon is categorically rejected, then found in unexpected locations - norms.

The problem is only that we have settled a new dog, and to it in addition to the new feed. Young parents note: If Hills for dogs of medium breeds with chicken (I, by the way, really like this "breed with chicken", there is still a "breed with a lamb") a child just licks, then the piano canin for yorkshire terriers she eats naturally.

Manufacturers write that they specifically made small-sized crockets for small jaws of these gentle creatures, they would know, Lord. On the other hand, there are amino acids for a healthy shine of wool and food fibers for optimal chair consistency, sound bad.

From the hands of Polina's parents agreed to take only bananas, apples, cookies and unexpectedly curd casserole. After a week of the exhausting calorie deficit, I took the whole meal and made it from it three scratched casseroles - from porridge with fruit, from vegetables with meat and cottage cheese, wherever without her. For the chair, it is still impossible to prevent her, but at least she eats something, and I sleep something. What about the optimal balance of nutrients is not sure, but the dog food just in case does not clean far, there are also vitamins in it.

Last night, Polina suddenly stopped singing at the same time, cry, laugh, destroy and walk on his feet, I found it in the corner outside the door, where she quietly and very focused on a special dog bone. If you believe the manufacturer, now it will have excellent blood circulation in the guys and the fresh smell of mouth.

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