Svetlana Druzhinina: "What happiness that you get up in the morning and can see the sky. Do not dare to whine!"

Svetlana Druzhinina:

The famous Russian director about the cinema, the Russian soul and the secrets of a happy marriage.

Director Svetlana Druzhinin - a real star. Independent, confident in his forces Lady Boss and at the same time charming, flawlessly elegant beauty. So as she, Troubadours sang serenades, and knights beat in tournaments to deserve a smile or flower ...

Debuting in the movies as an actress ("The case was in Penkov", "Girl", "on seven winds", etc.), Druzhinina came to the director, where he achieved outstanding success. Her film epopsychie "Martemarina, ahead!", "Secrets of Palace Dobor" and other films entered the Treasury of Soviet and Russian Cinema.

The meeting with the People's Artist of the USSR Svetlana Druzhinina took place online in the Media Club "Cultural Line".


- Svetlana Sergeyevna, literally before themonast you have completed work on the film "Gardemaryna-1787. World", the fourth part of the film chairs and began to work on the fifth. What historical intrigues to wait for the viewer?

- The design "Gardemarinov-4" and "Gardemaryarinov-5" appeared very long ago, when the stunning writer Yuri Nagibin was still alive and our co-author Ninochka Syrotokin - the kingdom of them heaven ... We had dreamed of me all the time, as if we would pull the cerebrals from the saddled saddles And omit on the deck so that they finally began to "make a minemary". Eight years ago I filed an application to the Film Film, after which the long-suffering searches for the opportunity to implement this scenario began.

In the new film we are talking about the second Russian-Turkish war, which began on October 2, 1787. It was an unexpected, insidious attack on the fortress Kinburn, and there was a great battle that Suvorov won ...

- That is, work on this film did you start before the Crimean events of 2014?

- Yes, in 2012. I have documents from which you can see when I signed the contract. We are all now as under the glass: there are Sites of the movie Foundation, the Cinema Department under the Ministry of Culture, you can see everything there, it is absolutely transparent.

Many believe that if the picture is made, it is invented yesterday. Not! This is a long process! Now there are already 50 percent of the next film "Gardemaryna-5. War". I hope that this year I am his dot.

- What actors are occupied in the picture?

- My romance heroes matured. The lead of them is still Dimka Kharatyan, who last year turned 60 years. Great age! In the film, my favorite Sasha Domogarov was filmed, which between the rehearsals of Richard Third in the theater. Mossovet flew to us on shooting. And, of course, Mamaev Mamaev.

- Writer Stephen King said that, by finishing the work on the novel, he allows himself to smoke a cigarette and drink a glass of champagne. Do you have a tradition related to the end of the filming?

- From the first half of this joy, I knit. Smoked for a very long time - from 14 to 56 years. And overnight threw. But I will gladly drink a glass of champagne at the beginning of the filming or when I finish some episode.

For example, now I work in my country on the second floor, collecting the material filmed in August. I can admit that when I see good fragments, I descend on the first floor, I say the jumper (my husband, an operator Anatoly Mukaseyu. - Approx. Aut.): "In my opinion, we turn out!" - And drink the boilers. And I advise you the same!

Paired with Maris Liepi

- Before come to the movies, you studied in a ballet school with the Bolshoi Theater. What did ballet gave you?

- Ballet is a unique school. When I was asked how it turned out that you began to shoot a male cinema, because in the "Gardemarians" everything will be downloaded, they shoot and fight, I answer: "First, I am a child of war, secondly, I have a ballet." Here are two of these components and made me what I really are. Ballet is a hardest, most difficult job, hardening character.

- Your classmate in a ballet school was our countryman Maris Liepa. How did you remember it?

- About Marisa I can only tell the most beautiful. About his incredible hard work, concentration, faith in itself. When others missed something or allowed themselves, he remained in the classroom and did one at the machine. I didn't like to be even second - only first!

Maris was not punctual, often we met with him at 8.25 at the entrance to the school, and the classes began at the falling. But even if we were seriously late and until the lesson remained just a minute, he always opened the door in front of me and passed forward. He was very galantan and beautiful, it was not surprising that he was defeated by girls fans.

When I began to form and laughing in my eyes, I became the only partner of the support class I became Maris Liepa. High, widespread, powerful and very talented. We were often put in a pair of squader - Liepa, and we agreed with him to always hold to the end.

As a result, Maris remained in the ballet, and I graduated from the school, but did not defend the diploma, because I came to the movies.

With a mounted hands of Cavery

- How did it happen that, after graduating from Vgik and debuting as an actress, did you become a director?

"That year, Mosfilm lost the director who had to take pictures of the" fulfillment of desires "on the novel of Veniamine Cavery. And since the cinema planned economy in cinema, it was necessary to urgently find a replacement. There were a lot of applicants, we all passed an interview with the caveryin, and he said: "Let him take off the squad!"

These were two series in which the tenth chapter encrypted by Pushkin was animated. We argued very hotly with Cavery. Sometimes the passions were such that we were scattered at different ends of the Cavelian cottage in Peredelkin. Veniamin Alexandrovich walked into the kitchen to fry the scrambled eggs and shouted some time after some time: "Svetlana Sergeyevna, the scrambled eggs! Well, the ceremony, ahead!" There, in the kitchen, our reconciliation occurred. I asked Caveryin to rewrite some episodes in scripts and add new ones.

- And the Master agreed?

- Imagine! And when we all pressed, he gave me a book with the inscription: "I was always sure that the literature affects the cinema. But sometimes exceptions occur when the cinema affects the literature."

Moreover, I was very friends with Cavery, and it was he who attacked me for a while, story, these cases of the long-lasting days. Professor, who played Lebedev in the "fulfillment of desires", said: "History does not teach - the story tends." In order not to make mistakes in the future, it is necessary to clearly understand why troubles occur with us, to establish a causal relationship.

- In the novel Kaverin "Two Captain", the heroes have such a slogan: "Midshipmen, ahead!" It turns out that the author of the name of your picture Caveryin?

- Sure! But my "midshipmen" was filmed according to the original scenario. We had a small manuscript of Nina Syrotokina "Three from the naval school", on the basis of which she then wrote a historic novel called "Martemarina, ahead!". This is such a victorious, lively cry.

"Do not dare to whine!"

- All your films are inspiring stories about strong and beautiful people. How do you feel about the pictures in which the heroes live at the bottom of Gorkovsky, their whole life is solid Chernukha, hopeless and mat-to-blame? Does the viewer need such a vitality right?

"The wise Chinese said:" Let all the flowers bloom, but everyone chooses his glade. " In 1945, piercing music films appeared on the screens, which we now speak with admiration: "My dream girl", "Three Musketeers", "Serenade of the Solar Valley" ...

I was then 10 years old. I had a small piece of bread under my tongue, the incidents that I was allowed to take. Among this very complex Moscow lives, when we were all poor, hungry and cold, we liked to watch beautiful pictures so much!

I choose this path. I want to tell people: "Guys, everything is ahead, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! In no case you can not be discouraged, let's try to make your life better. Around us as worthy of joy! What happiness that you get up in the morning. What happiness that you can drink a glass of water. What happiness that you can see the sky. Do not dare to whine! If you are given life, you live, contemplating around yourself pleasant, beautiful, and try it to take it all and convey. Then you will live long and happily".

- Last year, the Russian film festival was devoted to the anniversary of the victory. How do you feel about the fact that today not everyone adequately perceive the events of those years?

- This is sin. Tilting into its historical past and studying all the situations that were in my life, I can say: who believes in the case, he does not believe in God. Everything that happened to me in life is even the fact that we are talking now, it happened only because our great people won fascism. The people who have never been and will not be conquered, because we have something that is more expensive than pearls and zlata.

When I taught from the Americans, they could not understand what soul, peaceful friend, sincere friend ... And with us, the Russians, the soul is what allows us to be generous, big, invincible.

"Forgive - it means to understand"

- In December last year, you celebrated your anniversary. How to celebrate? What congratulations did you especially please?

- I will certify all your birthdays. So this year the family-run, very closed circle: five to six people, no more.

Congratulations walked from the morning. I was called from the Union of Cinematographers and read the telegram from Vladimir Putin, and I was pleased to listen when she was read. The next telegram came from Mikhail Mishoustin. There were congratulations from Sergei Sobyanin - with bouquets and gifts.

Sergey Mironov, Vladimir Medinsky, Olga Lyubimova congratulated. As always, colleagues pleased: Nikita Mikhalkov, Karen Shakhnazarov. By the way, we studied with Karen in Vgika at the same master - Igor Talakina ... and, of course, friends called all day.

- Recently, you made a vaccination against Covid and shared it in social networks. What are the sensations? Now people have a lot of doubts - to be harvested or not ...

- We decided to make a vaccination immediately as soon as the call appeared to be taken to people of our not very young age. And we did it with the help of Lenochka - Elena Malysheva, because the vaccinations should be made at the place of residence, and we now live in the country. And I, and toly felt perfectly.

- With Anatoly Mikhailovich Mukasem, you are together for more than half a century. What is the secret of your happy marriage?

- I don't really like to talk on this topic, because I am a sufficiently superstitious man. I can only give advice: never insult each other. Never use the weakness of each other. Otherwise, your marriage will turn into a broken cup, to glue which will not work.

We tastefully argue, quarrel, we can even beat the dishes. But it is always creative scandals, and not about the fact that he is bad or n no. Distribut yourself if you can not find a common language! Or forgive forgive. This is a very big and very difficult matter. Forgiveness - it means to understand. And to understand - it means to accept. This is love. And every year it becomes more and more significant. Whenever in Toli - God forbid! - Something sits, I worry and suffer as if it hurts me ...

"Short her legs!": For shooting in the film "Girl"

- The audience fell in love with my anfisa from the "Girls", and I remember this picture with pain. She starred in an atmosphere of ill-advantage, which was created by the leading role of Nikolai Rybnikov.

The young director of the film Yury Chulukin invited Volodya Treshkalov on this role. But since the director took only the second film, he experienced the monstrous pressure of the bosses. We supported him, joked: "Yura, calm down! Rybnikov and Makarov you have descended from the height." They just starred at the most popular painting "Height".

Rybnikov urged everyone that his wife Alla Larionov should play Anfisa, but he refused herself. He was angry at all, treated Chulukin with great disregard. That nervous, gnawed nails, said the actor about the development of the image, the idea of ​​the role. What did Rybnikov answered with a sigh: "When will this psychic already silent?" In a different way, he did not call the director. Inna Makarova also showed all his species that was removed through force.

The picture has undergone a lot of pressure: it was necessary to convince the viewer that the small and correct orphanage could be crazy any guy and lead him away from the unbelievable beauty. We must live in Komsomolsk, and then you will succeed! Therefore, the hushway after watching the first material was sentenced: change the artist to the Friend, because it will not leave any guy from her to a small one. Other actresses were invited to samples for my back ...

Everything was destroyed by Khukruk, director Julius Reyzman: "Do not dare to change the squad! She all played. Cut her big plans and shorten legs."

I cried and complained to Tol: "What is the role without close-ups, where all psychological nuances have been played?!" He laughed and comforted me: "You and without close-up plans I have the most beautiful and talented."

Elena Stakhova.

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