The most cash film in the history of the USSR


This is a melodrama "Enections" (PR-VA of Mexico, 91.4 million Soviet spectators).

In 1975, the Mexican film of 4 years ago (with a modest budget and an uncomplicated plot) collected for a third more spectators than the "Afonyon" finished at that year (62 million). The absolute hits of that year went around - "Diamond Hand" and "Caucasian Captive" Leonid Gaiday.

In the general list of all Soviet times "Ention" bypass the leaders of the rental: "Moscow does not believe in tears" (84.4 million spectators) and "Pirates of the XX century" (87.6 million viewers). Here we have the leader. Scientists and psychologists only have to explain this entertaining fact. Apparently, in those years, Mexicans found an ideal concept. For Mexico, a typical plot, for the Soviet viewer incredible.

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And after all, nothing special. The gypsy wedding rite with cuts on the wrists is remembered somewhat. Just a film about beautiful love: intrigue, feelings, secrets, separation, love triangle. Good, good, in something naive, but at least no cheaper melodrama. On the Internet there are two opposite opinions:

1. Modern meaningless Brazilian and Russian soap operas and nearly stood.

2. On the contrary, all modern soap operas have a foundation in the form of "entia" and to it. Since then, the harmful plot and examples are replicated, mutate, but do not change their essence: they distract and give unnecessary hopes and installations for real family life.

"Esnivia" - arteproprost to the invasion of Somny melodram-dodgers, flooded Teleker closer to the collapse of the USSR.

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Yes, they loved and in those days everything is overseas. Many Soviet girls born after 1975 were named. Well, there were no soap operas in those days so much for women. Well, at least "entia" was put in a 2-hour timekeeping that the plot did not smear the series for half a thousand.

This is the melodrama that our mother and grandmothers watched. Surely they remember her. In case of case, ask their opinion. In any case, probably, you will cause a note of nostalgia.

Looked a couple of episodes. Yes, the film looks no way. Our modern world and cinema over the years came out. And there is no place of vulgarity. And "entia" now seems slightly shut-off, without a peppercorn: everyone loves each other to the impossibility, already disgusting.

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