Western media found similarity between Navalny and Tikhanovskaya

Western media found similarity between Navalny and Tikhanovskaya 7444_1

The US NBC News edition called Julia Navalny "First Lady of the Opposition Movement in Russia." Probably, journalists are focused on the example of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, which after the arrest of her husband ran for the presidency of Belarus, and after the defeat settled in Vilnius and calls himself the head of the Belarusian opposition.

Svetlana Tikhanovskaya in a recent interview called Julia Navalny to go into politics. But the supporters of Navalny may not like that the Western press compares Tikhanovskaya with the wife of the Oppositionist Julia Navalny. The ex-presidential candidate of Belarus has long been sitting in Lithuania and does not have any serious impact on the situation in Belarus.

Yulia, Navalny, herself went from Russia to Wednesday. She was noticed at Frankfurt am Main airport, where she was able to unhindered to enter, despite the hard locker in Germany. Her lawyers departure was not commented yet, but the German magazine Spiegel said that the trip is private.

The other day in the European Parliament, the activities of the blogger Alexey Navalny and the EU intervention in the affairs of Russia were revealed.

Claire Dail, a deputy of the European Parliament (Ireland): "I am not less than others ready to defend the rights of any person, including Alexey Navalny. But let's go about him and we will still be honest: he is an ardent opponent of immigration and racist. It is supported, perhaps, 4% of Russians. In the cities of the million paints, the rallies collect hundreds and thousands of people. It is hardly a mass movement. Be he arrested not in Russia, but in any other country, he would not be discussed here at all. "

And Navalny's comrades elected part of the strategy to Russia from the West. Leonid Volkov and Vladimir Ashurkov - both now live abroad - held a two-hour closed video conferencing with certain representatives of the EU countries, USA, Canada, the United Kingdom and Ukraine. Volkov said that it was about personal sanctions against those who, according to him, constitute the "surroundings of Vladimir Putin."

Leonid Volkov himself Russian authorities announced international wanted list on charges of involvement of minors in unauthorized shares. However, wolves clearly feels safe abroad and continues attempts to coordinate shares in Russia. True, it turns out not very consistently.

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