How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_1

Despite the fact that any pink bush will decorate your site, you need to plant flowers according to the rules. It is not always easy and quick, but the result will cost the spent effort if everything is done as it should. How to create perfect flowerbed, tell me in this article.

Rule 1. Suitable location

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_2

The first step is to choose the right place for the flower bed. If you are planning a shadow flower, then it is better to refuse such an idea. Roses must be planted on the brightest and well-lit areas. The half is allowed, but preferably after the second half of the day, closer to the evening. The reason is that roses growing on darkened areas longer retain on the leaves of the dew, which creates favorable conditions for the development of malical dew and black spot.

Rule 2. Fertile soil

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_3

When the landing time comes, it is necessary to make a good drainage in the place of the alleged flower. To do this, the upper layer of the soil is removed (about 70 cm), gravel is laid in the recess, and then the fossa falls asleep the same soil. This must be performed if the groundwater is closer than 2 meters from the surface.

Roses love fertile, moisture and breathable soils. If the soil is initially severe and dense, a special mixture is added to it. To do this, connect 2 buckets of peat and 2 buckets of compost, a bucket of a looglinka, 5 liters of sand and 5 liters of vermiculite. All, now you can plant!

Rule 3. Good company

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_4

The third rule concerns the selection of the range. For the flower bed device, you need to know the parameters of the rose: its height, width, shape of the coastal. Pleet or tall roses are suitable for planting in the background of the flower bed, and the lower with a neat round of the top - on the front.

Those varieties of roses whose bush falls apart or does a bad flower, it is better not to plant on the front club. It is also worth considering that some tall varieties of roses are broken from below, and the flowers are located only on the top of the top. Such varieties are recommended to pick up low grades with the same shape and coloring flowers.

It is also important and selection of roses over shades. Do not land roses of all the colors of the rainbow per flowerbed. A flower bed with roses of roses can look much more effectively with several bushes of one color in combination with a different color close by shade or, on the contrast, contrasting.

We select neighbors - Companions plants
How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_5

In flower beds to roses, you can put other perennial or annual colors, just not too bright and catchy, otherwise the rose in such a "company" is lost. The task of perennials or annuals in this case is to apply and supplement the beauty of roses, and not fight them for the palm of championship.

The roses are most suitable for Sage, Kotovnik, Lavender, various decorative foliage, such as hosts, ore.

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_6

Flowers with roses and conifers not every gardener falls to taste, but this combination is quite appropriate. Compact Christmas trees "Little Jam", Pines "Gnome", Samshaty, Japanese Spiray, Barbaris, Dwarf Willow, Tui.

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_7

Whatever the temptation is a large amount of varieties and colors, it is not necessary to do, otherwise the flower will look motion and each separately taken flower will be lost in this "Cattone" shades.

How to arrange a flowerbed with roses: 3 gold rules 7419_8

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