Simple rule for catching inspection


Fishing facilities and methods are constantly being improved. New tactics appear, new installations and bait. Recently, with winter fishing, more and more fishermen are moving towards a non-propelled method of catching. Under certain fishing rules on the inspection, it will be much more efficient than using bait, even such catchy as malevoles or moth. The article discusses fishing of various fish to the winter fishing rod with the bait in the form of a wait.

Principles of catching for an inspection

A large number of fishermen confirms the fact that, with other things being equal, a larger fish is caught on the inspection, rather than on the usual catch with the nozzle. That is, catching due to the correctly set game it turns out much more efficiently. But it's not only in efficiency, the fishing itself becomes more interesting.

At the same time, talking about what kind of inspection it is better not. Each type of game will be suitable for some kind of bait. You should take on fishing with you all kinds of inspection, which fisherman can play. If the conditions and opportunities allow, you can dial with you different baits - from uroillers and ants to nails and try to master new types of games.

An important moment of fishing fish for the inspection is the right fish lure. Many fishermen do not pay due attention to this issue. It even reaches that they are used in winter catching typical summer bait - both shop and manufactured independently. But in the conditions of finishing fishing needed a live food in the form of a moth or veam.

If fishing is carried out in places with standing water, the lures simply fall asleep into the holes. If there is a course, you need to use feeders. You can use feeders of any form. It is desirable that in them there were a large number of small holes - so they will faster fasten with water and sink, performing their task - delivery of the dopama on the bottom.

Simple rule for catching inspection 7383_1

The lore should be alive and vigorous. Moth and veam should not be frozen in the refrigerator and in general, somehow disrupt the storage conditions.

Recommendations for fishing different fish

The various features of fishing some fish on the inspection are considered.

The roach is caught since the beginning of the ice station until the last spring ice. With a roach hunt, urals, ants and nails have proven themselves well. The color of beads used on inspels depends on the features of the reservoir. In muddy water it is better to use bright - yellow, red, orange.

Simple rule for catching inspection 7383_2

At the beginning of Spring, the perch prefers large bait - various blacks, balancers and so on, that is, behaves about the same as in the summer. But since the first numbers of January he appears interest in Mordysk. Bait color for perch does not play a special role. The game is the bait game.

Bream is different enough capricious temper not only in summer, but also in winter. Therefore, after all, it is more effective to catch it on the combines, and, by putting several pieces at once. If there is a desire to catch him on Mermatki, then you need to know that this fish prefers the scream or ant.

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