What pick up the seeds of tomatoes and not make a mistake


    Tomatoes are one of the most famous vegetable plants. In Russia, at the beginning of the 18th century, they began to cultivate them as a decorative culture. In order for tomato to become in demand by vegetable, it took about a hundred years.

    What pick up the seeds of tomatoes and not make a mistake 700_1
    What to choose tomato seeds and not mistaken nonsense

    Tomatoes (Photo Used by Standard License © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    The selection of tomato is complex, but quite interesting work, as a result of which many new varieties appear. In the twentieth century, foreign varieties and hybrids began to appear. All buyers began to be seen on them: tomatoes looked immaculate and attracted the attention of various shades of paints. However, the taste of vegetables was completely unsaturated. Foreign breeders created beautiful tomatoes with good ability to transport and continuous fruit preservation, but still they did not cope with an important problem associated with accumulation in tomatoes of various vitamins.

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    What to choose tomato seeds and not mistaken nonsense

    Tomato seedlings (photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    However, everyone wants to use tasty and useful food. That is why specialists of the selection company Agroholding "Search" When working on new varieties and hybrids, pay special attention to the content of beneficial substances. Each selection takes into account many of the most important factors: resistance to diseases and parasites, the ability of each species to grow in different climatic conditions. Get acquainted with the popular series of various hybrids and varieties of tomatoes that are in great demand from consumers.

    Those who have no garden plot, but burns the desire to grow vegetables in the apartment, tomatoes from the "Four Summer" series are suitable. It includes such varieties and hybrids, like rowan beads and a red hat, red paint and gold bunch. And also have amber scattering, yellow cap and orange hat.

    What pick up the seeds of tomatoes and not make a mistake 700_3
    What to choose tomato seeds and not mistaken nonsense

    Rechazzle seedlings (Photo used by standard license © azbukaogorodnika.ru)

    Amateur vegetables can take advantage of the dwarf and ampel cherry tomatoes that will decorate any balcony or windowsill with their beautiful decorative views.

    There is another series with the name "Eastern Delicacy", in which there are varieties of tomatoes with special taste properties, here are some of them:

    1. Gold East;
    2. Gold flow F1;
    3. Lemon sparkle;
    4. Magic harp F1.

    For gardeners who prefer fleshy major tomatoes, the Siberian Series has been collected. In it - quickly ripening unpretentious varieties suitable for cultivation in the Urals in Siberia, as well as in the Far East. This list includes the heart of Siberia and the Altai honey, as well as the dream of the Giant and Altai Bogatyr.

    The weight of one tomato reaches 320-400 g, sometimes even more.

    In Agroholding "Search", another series was created - "Tastyotek". With its creation, specialists had one task - to return all the delicious and quite fragrant tomatoes on production. Each type of this selection has passed a long test. And only valid exquisite masterpieces are presented in the series list. Here are tomatoes with various tastes - from saturated tomato with minor acids to juicy-sweet, as well as fruits with a dessert fruit flavor.

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