5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull


Cooking original dishes in a church for the New Year's table will take quite a bit of time, and guests will appreciate the unusual dishes. For those who worry about the figure, you can offer to take advantage of the recipes, prepare them in the oven on a non-stick sheet.

5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_1

Cauliflower in beer grain with cheese

This festive dish will like the symbol of the upcoming year - bull, because it is prepared from sweet cauliflower!


  • 600 g of cauliflower inflorescences (frozen);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of flour;
  • 70-100 grams of cheese, better parmesan;
  • beer - 100 ml;
  • Two art. spoons of sunflower oil;
  • seasonings - pepper, paprika, salt;
  • Vegetable oil, refined.


Color cabbage to disassemble in inflorescences (twigs), omit them into salted boiling water, boil 8 minutes until it softens, but not allow digestion.

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5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_3

Finely grate the cheese on the grater. Add to the eggs sunflower oil, beat and add beer. Stirring, pour flour, split all lumps. Only then add cooked cheese. Clar should be slightly sour cream. The latest barcode is adding favorite spices.

Preheat the frying pan or, if there is a special fryer, immerse every piece of cauliflower into the dough, necessarily shaking the extra liquid, and fry until readiness.

5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_4

Fish fillet in a bows with cheese

You can add an exquisite highlight to the classic dish - the fragrant cheese of parmesan.

List of ingredients:

  • Fish (fillet) - 500 g, any, but not bony (better red for the festive table);
  • Onion onion - 1 pc.;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 egg;
  • mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Cheese - 50 grams, better parmesan;
  • Spices for fish, pepper, salt;
  • Vegetable oil, refined.


Fish fillet cut into small pieces as ordinary nuggets, salt. Leave and while cooking a bang. The onions purge, grind a blender, grate the cheese on a shallow grater, to intervene the remaining products: egg, mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. Spoons of flour, spices and cheese.

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When the fillet is a bit "rest" in the egg-flour mixture, you need to warm up the frying pan and quickly fry from two sides. It is important not to remember the product. Cooking fish takes less time than, for example, cabbage. It is necessary to preserve the softness and juiciness of the fish, while grinding a delicious crispy crust.

Roasted Solid Cheese

Unusual snack for youth company and for all cheese lovers. You can choose the source product with regard to your preferences: cheese with additives, classic or suluguni. A solid cheese with walnuts is taken in the recipe below.


  • Solid or Suluguni cheese - 400 g;
  • Egg - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, spices.


  • crackers or crushed cornflakes, you can sweet;
  • Vegetable oil, refined.
5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_6


For the beauty of feeding and convenience, each piece of cheese can be driven onto a wooden skeletal, to dip in the dough and so fry until readiness.

First of all, it is necessary to make a clarity: mix flour, whipped eggs, milk, salt, spices. Bread (crumbling or crushed flakes) pour into a deep plate. Each piece of cheese, pre-rolled to the skeleton to omit in the finished canter and fry in advance heated sunflower oil. This can be done in a saucepan, fryer or just in a frying pan. Fry no more than 2 minutes.

Ready cheese can be put on a paper towel to give a stroke of fat, or on the grid.

Banana fried in coconut grains

It is a very tasty and unusual dessert for the festive table: Serve such fried bananas can with chocolate ice cream or classic seal!


  • bananas - 2-3 pieces;
  • flour - 2-3 spoons, depending on the desired density;
  • Coconut chips - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • Busty - pinch;
  • Salt is a small pinch to enhance taste.

First you need to cook the car. Mix egg, sugar, chips, flour, add a baking powder and milk, be sure to check the thickness - the mixture should be on the consistency as fatty sour cream, not spread. If it turned out to be liquid, then add flour. Bananas clean and cut into mug 2 cm thick.

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5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_8

Finished bananas to dip in the clarity and fry at a pre-warmed pan. It is necessary to monitor that the punishment does not burn, cooking time - 2-3 minutes. This dish, unlike the previous, it is better to cook, fully immersing bananas in hot oil.

5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_9

Shrimps and pineapples in cheese

Dish truly royal. It is assorted from the pineapples fried in a caster and shrimp will not leave anyone indifferent in the New Year's Eve!


  • shrimps (better royal, big);
  • Pineapple - sliced ​​rings;
  • sour cream - 100 grams;
  • Egg - 4 pcs.;
  • starch (preferably corn, but potato) - 120 grams;
  • salt.


Shrimps boil in salted water 1 minute, clean, postpone cool. Prepare Clar: sour cream, eggs, 60 grams of starch, salt thoroughly stirring, breaking lumps. Clar should turn out to be sufficiently thick as sour cream. Wait 10 minutes to starch Nabuch.

Heat the fryer, frying pan or saucepan with butter.

Having cooled shrimps to soak first in starch, then quickly in the pungent and fry in boiling oil 1-2 minutes. Just do it with pieces of pineapple.

5 interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull 6900_10

Shrimps with pineapple - the perfect combination. On the plate to serve this: put a ring from pineapple in the batter, and grilled shrimps into it, on the side beautifully decorate the sauce.

Here is just a small list of original dishes from the beater, each of them can be adapted to your taste, add additional ingredients: always to the place there will be chopped nuts, tomato flakes, dried greens.

Article 5 Interesting dishes in Klyar to the New Year's table by the year of the bull was published on the website itsfood.ru.

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