When to plant trees? Winter!

When to plant trees? Winter! 681_1
When to plant trees? Winter! Photo: Depositphotos.

Plant in the snow, frost?! Can not be! But scientists of gardeners and forester found out that even the "cold" landing is even the benefits. And in the winter you can not only coniferous, and deciduous trees.

I have one case in proof: it can grow a conifer from the container, and not just digging up, but already celebrated with the New Year with children.

Was a pennies - became the parenchy

I saw one day, as a neighbor ducked the land under the window, and then stuck the trunk there - it's easiest of saying, the number of the New Year's village. If he wanted to please the guys with a Christmas tree and on the street, then why did all the twigs chopped her?

Uncle Kolya was sure that the Christmas tree would grow. Yes, he was from the number of people about whom they say: he strokes a dry twist in the ground, and from him the village grows. Sin in front of the fired Christmas trees, he tried to pour it before, but alas ...

This time he told, provided for all the conditions of the winter planting of a tree. Not out of pot, with good roots, but in this form.

What required for this?

  1. The tree should not stand in the water for a long time. Her uncle Kolya landed the next day after the old new year.
  2. In the bucket did not add any chemicals, which is usually done to preserve the needles.
  3. The tree was bought in the leshoz, but Spinel himself, where he chose: Sand soil and a tree was excluded to grow in a spruce forest.

About the soil - it is clear, isn't it better among relatives to take the future seedling? It turns out that Christmas trees among other coniferous trees grow stronger.

Around the pit with a landing neighbor Natopal a large snow hill, and in the winter did not forget to add it.

Where did Krona come? The tips of the twigs, that is, a more young part, went to another experiment: they were placed on the top ten in three large pots, more precisely - in the tanks from the stove. Earth - with a mushroom place.

What happened from all this? Men did not become a few years ago, but the Christmas tree is now - grown fir. From the seedlings then only four twigs of the roots were given. Uncle Kolya still managed to send them into pots and give to children-grandchildren.

Blue Spruce - Miracle of Nature

For several years, my friend (Agronom is a large nursery coniferous) attracts girlfriends to the collection of cones of blue spruce. For the nursery, seeds of such trees are not suiced if you order them somewhere. And for us - one pleasure: I will help my friend, and the air is pure, and they get a good hotel.

The bumps are collected in February. They fall down themselves. Neither thick sticks on the trunk knock. We collect small seed containers in fabric bags, and lay at home near the batteries. The bumps are revealed and the seeds are cleaned with the light of God.

Our task is now in thin, also tissue, to hold them with a bag, then cleanse seeds from the wings, rinse them thoroughly so that the essential oils are removed, and dry again. And the kennel takes them.

The complexity of the collection of seeds consists only in the fact that blue ate does not grow everywhere. Their seedlings were always expensive, they put them only near the executive committees, in our forests, such Christmas trees will not meet.

In the nursery, as our customer told us, the seeds disinfected with a weak solution of manganese, dried and kept in the refrigerator in sterilized banks until seeding. And for yourself you can make several seeds to put in a hole under the snow, they will germinate there.

I so a few years ago I spun chestnut nuts for the daughter's country plot, only they need to be bought in the land in September-October. By the next autumn, weak sprouts removed, and the strong sipped the peat cups. Chestnuts grow slowly, in five years a little more than a meter rose. Oh, how long before flowering - until the age of ten, they definitely do not decide to do it.

And with the "blue" seeds I had a curiosity. They rose on a handful of a handful, but I didn't know how they look, for the weeds took ...

Pleet rose from a bouquet

That's what I had completely handed my hand, so it's a plenty rose. In fact, up to three-meter height is more correct, my rose should be called a fleet.

We will soon have a rose bouquets soon - March 8 is coming, you do not have time to look back. I wanted to rise to landing ordinary roses of unusual colors. They gave good roots in the water, but in the pot then did not live to spring. But the semi-flying took place easily. A good thick bush grew out of it, I planted it in the palanisader of the mother-in-law. From the first years, many red flowers grew.

When they sold the house after the mother-in-law, I warned that I would dig a rose, leave several roots. But the bush that summer was just gorgeous, and my hand did not rise - suddenly sick?

I read that the cuttings of roses were well reflected in potatoes. True, this or not, did not try. Maybe someone from readers has experience?

Author - Love Dubinkina

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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