ShortParis - all about the Russian group ...

ShortParis - all about the Russian group ... 6698_1

History ShortParis: All about the group ...

ShortParis is a group of St. Petersburg, focused on the POST-POP and EXPERIMENTAL genres ... According to the ShortParis participants themselves, their work implies a constant search for extraordinary, non-standard solutions for society. The team was founded in 2012. Today it has a reputation and popularity, in many ways, thanks to non-standard subtexts, scandalous clips and live performances that often turn into performing performances with concrete arts ... Shortparis acted on heating from European bands like The Kooks, Lebanon Hanover, Alt-J ... We learn about this unique group a little more!

Group formation: history, composition ...

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Shortparis ...

The group was formed in 2012. However, the story takes her beginning much earlier ... The predecessor was the Fools on Time Square project, in which Nikolai Komyagin, Alexander Ionin and Pavel Lesniki played. The guys performed in the jazz club of Novokuznetsk, however, in 2010, we left conquered the cultural center of our country, St. Petersburg! About this period vocalist Band, Nikolai Komyagin, recalled the following:

So, its individual "musical language" ShortParis developed by 2012. By the way: the name of Band was inspired by the film "Shortbus". It also deserves separate attention. It is pronounced as "Shortparis", which means the inability to express without distortion of the inner world and emotions ...

Later, the composition added Danil Kholkov. By the time he was already a rather significant person in St. Petersburg Music Andempunda! In general, the chilli managed to work with a couple of dozens of groups ... As he told himself Danil, the work of Shortparis seemed to him fresh and independent. This attracted him:

And now about how the first acquaintance of Shortparis happened to their future drummer / back-vocalist! According to Komyagin, he was the first to come to the choke:


Before moving to the work of Shortparis, let's talk about their musical style ... the sound of the group can be described as a oscillator design! Remember the saying of Yellow: "The postpank is the people who realized that they could not live here and now. Would you like "? So, it's the thing here and now Shortparis is broadcast! There are echoes of the Eastern Sound, and the opera manner of execution, the bits on the manner of the subseaster EBM style ... in a word - this is a crazy hurricane of sounds and sentiment, which is so clinging the listener ...

The creation of Shortparis is difficult to attribute to a specific direction: here the injection ripple, and gloomy, and complex multi-layered compositions are merging, and complex multi-layered compositions ... All these shades are inherent in completely different musical styles! Shortparis formulated their own musical language that does not like any western template. Rather, their music is inspired by European contemporary art ... Actually, go to her!


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Group Shortparis

For the first time, the group declared itself at the SKIF Festival, after the speech on which was named the brightest Punk Art Group of St. Petersburg! The SKIF followed concerts, only the reputation of contemporary rebels, which are not inherent in commonness and monochromicity ... Today, Shortparis is called the main concert group of the country! Often their performances go beyond just musical shows, taking original theatrical outlines! So, during a concert in Burtgold-Center, a record of Kyrgyz, addressed to builders, who, actually, was not even in the center! Why was that? It remains a mystery ... However, the goal of Shortparis was still achieved! About the team spoke across the country ... New noisy performances followed: in small shopping malls and even in grocery stores, with the participation of session musicians, as well as circus artists ... As the ShortParis themselves declare, art does not know the boundaries! However, as expected, critics were divided into 2 camps: Some see in these modern artists of innovators, while others - only a blank candy from candy ... Anyway, and the glory of the team is inexorably growing ...

First entries

Shortparis released its first plate in 2013. The album was called "daughter". The work quickly raised popularity, and critics wrote that Shortparis expressed the decadent orientation of audio-diptych with relevant motifs post-punk and French chanson! The main hit was the Amsterdam composition. It was also shot by a clip, the plot of which unfolds in a classic St. Petersburg apartment ...

All this immerses the listener into the atmosphere of self-destruction and decline ... The nature of Shortparis was given other tracks from the album, including "Your Queen" and "Pink Whale". Curious, but according to critics, the mood of the album "Daughter" is very close with the mood of the last album Yana Kortis.

The entire subsequent year Shortparis spent in the curtains by city. The group gave enchanting concerts, pleased fans with new singles and clips ... In 2016, Shortparis was awarded the Golden Gorgolea, and in 2017 the guys released the second album called Easter. The work again won fervent feedback from critics! Unlike the first record, where all the tracks were English-speaking, "Easter" was fully recorded in Russian, which, undoubtedly, had to do the team audience!

Shortparis persistently denied any publicity or commercial component of his creativity ... But trying to demonstrate this at each other case, the type of magnet Shortparis was pulled to himself, from which they reproached so much ... In 2018, the group was in the ranking of the most successful Russian music projects! The third job of Band became the plate "So steel", released in 2019. However, it was not without scandal ...


The media literally rebelled after the exit of the clip "Scary". Due to the concept of a roller, with his references and mood, the group has become the main scandalous hero on the network ... Representatives of the Church were unhappy with the name of the Album "Easter" and outfits of musicians: in their opinion, the costumes in the clip cannot be entertaining Attribute ... Shortparis was also accused of Nazis.

In general, shortparis clips are a separate topic for conversation. Often the rollers of the group fall into critical reviews. So, for example, clips on the song "Shame" and "Scary" attracted the attention of the wide audience! And not only by the Russian, but also overseas!

Unfortunately, this is our society: people do not like deep topics. The public is more like the deprived of the meaning of the song with a romantic video session ... however, fortunately, not everyone! That is why the ShortParis fans army inexorably continues to grow with each day! And now - a little interesting facts about the group that few people know!

Interesting Facts

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Many believe that Shortparis makes focus on politics in their work. But it is not so. In fact, musicians are no less with interest in the economy. In essence, their clips and tracks are the performance of cruelty, the action of which unfolds in society (as if in the theater). At the same time, ShortParis is fully aware of themselves as a product.

In 2018, the film "Summer", which reflects the periods of hopes and love of Leningrad of the 80s ... In this tape managed to participate and Shortparis! The group performed the Kaver version "All The Young Dudes" David Bowie.

2019 was very saturated for the year ... Shortparis appeared on the Evening Urgant show, and also arranged a tour of Germany, Great Britain and Finland.

Conclusion ...

ShortParis can be described as a group of honed actions! These guys show the society to the opposite side of this life: they take million clips about Beslan, xenophobia and many-sided power of primitive ... They are able to arrange a true performance from nothing ... in a word - this is a group for which there is no borders. According to the majority of critics, this is a kind of continuation of the provocative strategies of Sergey Kurieukhin. This is an ambitious project, with a pompous, exciting, non-classification character. This is not just a musical group. This is a separate type of art not for everyone.

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