Billy Milligan. How did the person in which there were 24 personalities?

Billy Milligan. How did the person in which there were 24 personalities? 668_1

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One body is one mind. At least so it is considered. But sometimes there are several different alter-ego in the body of one person. Now it is a fashionable chip used as a stage role with singers and actors, but if seriously is actually a very complex and dangerous psyche disease, which is called a dissociative identity disorder. Simple words, split (splitting) of the person.

People suffered from this ailment of the time of centuries. Embossing in the shamans of the perfumes of the ancestors, "reincarnation" in animals, obsession with the devil - all from this series. But the brightest case of personality splitting occurred in America in the late 70s. Someone Billy Milligan had not one and not even five, but as many as 24 personalities.

Billy Milligan.

His life was similar to the passage of a computer game, in which each gamer passed the quest for the quest from different accounts. This time, Billy woke up in prison - the lattice on the window, a cold iron bed and stone walls opened his eyes.

"The time was stolen again," he thought with melancholy he thought and took another attempt to commit suicide. This is the identity of the core, the one who was before splitting. Since he turned 5 years old, his consciousness was ruled by other personalities. This happened due to the fact that the boy beat and raped stepfather. It was so terrible that Billy began to happen in memory. After them, he was not without surprise, he learned from those around the fact that during the shutdown did not sleep peacefully, but I made certain actions - I was crying or quietly crushed. So the hysterical Jason and the gracious Danny appeared. As they grow up behind them, others followed.

In some moments, unauthorized "switch" between consciousnesses - one individuality replaced the other. After such manipulations, the active entity could not remember what was happening at the moment of activity of the other. This caused the discomfort of each of the personalities of Milligan.

Suicide attempt in prison

Billy could no longer endure it all. He dispersed and struggled his head against the wall, and when he opened his eyes, "at the helm" was already Raidgen Vadasovichi - 30-year-old Yugoslav, who is responsible for making decisions in a dangerous environment. It is supermarked, aggressive and not surpassed. Other entities lived in Billy's body. The mains were 10, the rest after different punctures were recognized as "unwanted" and no longer allowed to manage. The most commonly mastered the mind of Billy mentioned raid, as well as:

Arthur is the main person who is responsible for the subject in a relaxed atmosphere;

Tommy is the main miner of money;

Allen - a guy with a well-suspended language;

Adalan is a girl with a homosexual orientation, because of which Billy thundered into prison.

It was a conspiracy of Rejegen and Adalana. The first robbed three girls, the second they raped them. The fact is that Yugoslav let me down to the "spot," a kind of Billy's body control, only in a dangerous atmosphere, and the prison for this is just very suitable. The stain is something like a button, a light circle on the floor of the room in which the "family" lived (all 24 personalities). Looking at him, one entity could control the body of the subject. Everyone remembered only his part of the "Games", but there was one who knew everything, I understood and remembered, but never intervened - the teacher. It was he who during the passage of milligan therapy in a psychiatric hospital shared memories with the writer Daniel Kiz. That, according to the results of his meetings with Billy, wrote the book "Multiple minds Billy Milligan". Billy himself almost always slept, because every time he got up on the "spot," tried to commit suicide. As, however, this time.

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Conversation with lawyer

Previously, Gary Shvekart's lawyer that something wrong with Billy happens with Billy, his assistant Judy Stevenson guessed. It was she who insisted that the state defender talked to the defendant, or rather, with each of the entities living in it. To his surprise, the unshakable Skeptic Gary believed in this madness, talking to Danny, Artur, Allen and Raidgen. He came out of the chamber shocked and even shocked. He achieved a psychiatric examination for the prisoner, although for a triple crime he threatened about 20 years in prison. After her, Billy went to the clinic.

After 10 years of forced treatment, Milligan was recognized as "solid", although the physicians could not completely "synthesize" all his personalities. But he could control his consciousness himself, so he was released on the will. Behind the walls of the psychiatric clinic, he also had to fall out. Journalists began to pursue Billy, so he filed a lawsuit on the protection of personal life several times. This unique person died from oncology in 2014, but his story was forever remained captured not only in psychiatric practice, but also in culture.

Immortal character

Canadian film director James Cameron intended to shoot the film "Mortgage Room" according to Kiza book. The viewers should have seen Leonardo di Caprio, but the project was frozen indefinitely, and then rolled at all.

This idea for armament after the death of Milligan took the American director of Indian origin M. Knight Syamalan. He removed the thriller called "Split" (translated - splitted) with the participation of the actor James McEvoy in the lead role.


Many this story will seem fiction, and Billy - a charlatan, which circled around the finger of police and doctors. Yes, it is beyond the understanding, however, it was found that during the switching between personalities there is a unique change in the patient's brain activity, which can be fixed with the encephalogram. And this trick can not repeat even the most professional preimber.

In addition, each person had a different gender, age, character, temperament, talents, IQ levels and even EEG data. With a dissociative disorder identity, the person's body can be compared with the car, which is controlled by several drivers. At the same time, everyone has their own ride style - a calm, aggressive, sports or some other.

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Basic alter-ego Billy Milligan:

Billy - the kernel, William Milligan, is inclined to suicide.

Arthur Smith - 22 years old, the British intellectual, formed, calculated the rest of the people.

Raidgen Vadaskovich - 23 years old, Yugoslav, Daltonik, aggressive.

Allen - 18 years old, fraudster, manipulator, eloquent.

Tommy - 16 years old, mechanic, main minider.

Danny - 14 years old, frightened teenager, who suffered from the attacks of the stepfather.

David - 8 years, wakes up when Billy hurts.

Christine - 3 years, Family Family, calm.

Christopher - 13 years old, Brother Christine, plays a harmonic.

Adalan - 19 years old, usually calm, doing household chores.

The teacher is a unifying person who remembers everything.

Unwanted alter-ego:

Phil - 20 years old, unpleasant type, thief

Kevin - 20 years, Comrade Phil, also engaged in robbery.

Walter Milligan - 22 years old, hunting amateur, all the time runs up in the forest.

Eypril - 19 years old, obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge by the step of Billy.

Samuel - 18, a Jew, sold the paintings by Allen and Tommy.

Mark Great Patcher - 16 years old, an unprotected personality.

Li - 20 years old, merry, spent ridiculous draws, left consciousness.

Steve - 21 years old, parodist, mounted other members of the "family."

Jason is 13 years old, hot-tempered, which leads to problems.

Bobby - 17 years old, dreamer, useless personality.

Sean - 4 years, boy with defects of development.

Martin - 19 years old, jogging and boasts.

Timothy - 15 years, closed in himself.


Prior to the beginning of zero, the splitting of consciousness was considered a rather rare disorder. But now it is diagnosed in each twentieth patient who appeal to a psychiatrist for help.

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