"Women's Happiness" in the house: all about the cultivation of room spathifylum


    Good afternoon, my reader. Spathifulum, which is often called "female happiness", is a rather popular indoor plant. Grow flower under the power even novice flowerfish.

    "Women's Happiness" in the house: All about growing room spathifylum Maria Verbilkova

    Evergreen tropical culture from wet forests of South America, New Guinea and Southeast Asia is a representative of the Aoid family. In the wild, Spathifulum is found in the floodplains of rivers (streams), wetlands. Some varieties of an exotic flower were deservedly acquired the status of a popular home plant.

    Large, lanceal or oval spathifloum leaf plates form a thick outlet straight from the roots. Spectacular inflorescences at high thin stems resemble a white bedspread, enveloping small creamy-yellow "pillage". Because of the flowers of an unusual view, indoor culture is sometimes called "white sail".

    This tropical plant can not be called unpretentious. However, if you observe the agricultural engineering, the cultivation of spathimilum at home will not require great effort.

    Exotic flower prefers a long day. However, it does not withstand the impact of direct sunlight, which can cause burn foliage. The lighting should be scattered, the plant should be protected from the bright sun.

    "Women's Happiness" in the house: All about growing room spathifylum Maria Verbilkova

    The conditions of residential premises in which the temperature is constantly maintained 18-20 ° C are fully suitable for exotic culture. In the summer, a thermal-loving flower can withstand the heat to +27 ° C.

    In winter, when the plant needs peace, it is allowed to reduce the temperature regime to 16 ° C. If the atmospheric indicators are lower, then the spathiflow can get sick and even perish. Also, a negative flower transfers cold drafts.

    Important! The thermal-loving spathifylum does not tolerate hot, dry air, so it is impossible to be placed near the heating devices.

    A plant that is accustomed to the wet tropical climate needs systematic irrigation, which can be reduced only in winter, during rest. In the warm season, especially in the summer heat, the soil must be moistened as needed.

    For watering it is best to use resistant (at least 24 hours) or purified water temperature. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid stagnation of moisture in the soil. Water from the pallets should be immediately drained, so as not to cause the root system rotting or the development of fungal infection.

    In addition to irrigation, the plant needs high humidity. In order to create conditions close to natural, spathifylums are sprayed with warm water from the spacifer. This procedure is especially important in the hot season.

    "Women's Happiness" in the house: All about growing room spathifylum Maria Verbilkova

    In the period of active vegetation (from early spring to late autumn), mineral feeding is needed. For this use ready-made (liquid) complex fertilizers for decorative or blooming crops:

    • "Agrikola";
    • "Forte";
    • "Pokon";
    • "Floroveit" and others.

    If there is a low content of humus in the ground, then the plant will gratefully respond to organic feeding (a solution of a rift cowboy for example).

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