The network is anticipated by the confrontation of Olga Buzova and Dava on Eurovision


The network is anticipated by the confrontation of Olga Buzova and Dava on Eurovision 6632_1
Instagram @ Dava_m.

The network unfolded disputes regarding the upcoming national competition for participation in Eurovision-2021. So, fans anticipate the confrontation of Olga Buzova and its ex-groom Dava.

David Manukyan, more famous, as in addition, has every chance to present Russia to Eurovision-2021. This probability said the famous frequenter of the Philip Kirkorov contest. Earlier, Pop King has repeatedly helped to take part in the song contest artists and teams from various countries.

In Russia, the National Selection is scheduled for March 8, especially Olga Buzova attaches special interest to the event. As you know, quite recently she was a beloved Manukyan. Couple even preparing for the wedding. However, at the last moment, the blogger and the performer shared. At the same time, it also actively leads the singing career and can compete with its former bride.

Dava became a guest presentation of contestants from Moldova. Singer Natalia Gordienko to participate in Eurovision prepares Kirkorov, he is the co-author of her songs. It was during the event in Moscow Filipp Bedrosovich made a sensational statement. Moreover, it seems, and the Dava himself was not dedicated to the plans to participate in the International Competition.

Having considered the words of his senior comrade, Dava accepted the offer and is preparing for a trip to Rotterdam. Representation he will be his homeland - Armenia. Thus, if the Buzova will go to the competition from Russia, former beloved, and now the enemies literally come to the same scene.

However, such a prospect did not cause everyone to be delighted, many fans of the Russian pop diva are sufficiently skeptical about the singing talent of Manukyan. Melomanians are confident that such a step is a purely PR for Dava. However, it is doubtful whether such a scandal is interesting to the audience of Europe, not dedicated to all the passions of the Russian show business. However, if the Philip Kirkorov takes it to work, it is very likely that the chances of the new Eurovision contestant will increase significantly.

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