The mortgage boom turned out for Russians unpaid debts: the authorities simplify the borrowers to get rid of loans


The State Duma introduced two bills designed to help mortgage debtors settle with creditors. Experts predict the increase in the number of non-payment in the country.

The authorities offer to sell debtors recovered real estate through electronic trading. Now they sell only the property confiscated and facing state. According to the legislators, a greater number of buyers will be able to participate in electronic trading, so property will be implemented faster.

Also, the authorities intend to allow debtors to sell their own housing. Now citizens are forced to additionally pay for the services of the Bid Organizer (up to 3% of the value of the property), and in some cases, the Executive Collection (7% of the real estate price), and the appraiser's work. With independent realization of the property of additional expenses will not be.

"The trend is that people have become more likely to cope with debts, it is definitely. Reducing income, coronacrisis - all this is present. People during a pandemic could not pay for the mortgage and now their debts have accumulated before the critical mass. There are no accumulations from citizens, the state cannot see this. And the bills are confirmed. The number of borrowers selling property will grow further. The question is only like, in arithmetic or geometric progression: 5% per month or 20-30%. The growth of defaulters is directly related to the deterioration of the economic situation in the country. Many, yielding to a hitch due to a preferential mortgage, depreciation of the ruble, rushed to buy apartments, but not all in practice were able to serve the loan. The first bill about electronic trading does not particularly help. The main problem is that the site will change for sale, will not solve. The second project that allows the borrower to sell housing itself, more relevant. The lender is often not in a hurry to collect housing, and interest continues to drip. Therefore, the earlier the borrower himself sells real estate, the less damages will be, "Alexander Shcherbinin's lawyer commented.

According to analysts, about a third of apartments sold in Moscow is pledged by the bank.

"In reality, about 10% of all insolvent borrowers comes to reality before removal or bankruptcy and sales. In 90% of cases, people give themselves a report that further cannot serve a loan and themselves put an apartment for sale at a normal price, without waiting for a large delay, penalties, penalties. And, by the way, the bulk of those who submits for bankruptcy, these are currency mortgages, which the bank-lender did not meet and did not refinance the loan in rubles at the normal course and rate. In their case, it turns out that the amount of debt in rubles is sometimes twice the cost of the entire apartment. There is already a patrimonial situation. It is necessary to announce bankruptcy, to give an apartment to a bank that exposes it to auction, "says Olga Shikhov, head of the Department of Real Estate Agency" Bon Ton ".

The mortgage boom turned out for Russians unpaid debts: the authorities simplify the borrowers to get rid of loans 6524_1
The mortgage boom turned out for Russians unpaid debts: the authorities simplify the borrowers to get rid of loans

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